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Narrator's POV

               It was another day in school and Mirae was currently in class working on her assignment. There was another group project given. This time, they had to come out with a design that would suit the line of laptops from Samsung. The top 5 designs chosen will be the designs for the new upcoming line.

               Soon enough, 2 hours had passed and class ended. "Let's continue this in the next class." said Mirae as the other 3 group members nodded their head in agreement. "Haaaa, so tiring. My neck feels so stiff." said Mirae as she stretched out. She stayed in the same position for 2 hours straight, of course she feels so stiff. After packing her stuffs, she walked down the corridoor. She took out her phone and texted Luhan.

Mirae: I've already ended class. :)

Luhan: I'm already waiting for you near the stairs. ;)

               Mirae chuckled at the text and quickened her pace to the stairs. As stated, Luhan was waiting for her patiently by the stairs. He was leaning against the wall and was fondling around with his phone. Mirae sighed and walked up to him. "Been waiting long?" she asked as soon as she reached him. Luhan looked up and smiled. "Not really. My class ended a few minutes earlier than yours." he smirked.

                "So how was class?" Luhan asked as they walked down the stairs. "Another group project. Each group has to come out with a design suitable for Samsung's new laptop line." she informed. "Woah. That's cool. So if your group's design gets chosen, it'll be on the new laptops?" he asked and Mirae nodded. "That's so cool." he stated and Mirae chuckled at his remarks.

               Soon enough, they arrived at the cafeteria and went over to the table where Serri and L was sitting at. "Here comes the patched up couple." Serri labelled as Luhan and Mirae took a seat beside each other. "Whatever Serri." said Mirae with a chuckle. "So, Luhan. How have you been?" Serri asked as she averted her attention from Mirae. "Good." Luhan simply stated. "Hmm, of course you are. By the way, I'm still a little angry at you for what you did to Mirae. Break her heart again and I'll break your bones." Serri warned as she pointed the fork at Luhan.

               "Now now. Calm down, babe. We wouldn't want anyone to get killed." L joked as he put the fork down. "I'm sorry and don't worry, that won't happen again." Luhan smiled and looked at MIrae. She smiled at him and then spoke, "Let's go get our food." She said as she stood up pulled Luhan along.

Jaehyun's POV

               I was with my friends sitting a few tables away from them in the cafeteria. I've already figured out that Mirae got back together with her previous boyfriend. I've never really seen him before but it doesn't matter. I'm happy for her. I knew that she had feelings for another person or that she never really got over him. Mirae was pretty easy to read. Anyways, i've actually been avoiding her these past few days. I know that Mirae probably wants to tell me about this but I guess I just don't want to hear it even though I already know about it.

                "You know, staring at me like that won't make me fall for you bro." I snapped out of my thoughts to see that my friend, Jihwan was staring back at me with a smirk. "Sorry. I just spaced out." I apologized while rubbing my nape. "What's up? You've been spacing out a lot lately." he chuckled as he took a sip of his drink. "Nothing much." I replied. "Really?" he raised an eyebrow. "Well, I noticed that you don't really hang out with that girl lately." he added. I chuckled as I played with my food.

               "Something happened between you two?" he questioned. "Nah, nothing happened between us. It's just..." I said as my voice trailed off. "What?" Jihwan said urging me to continue. "She got back with her boyfriend." I sigh. "Damn." he said. "Well, chill bro. You'll get over her soon." he consoled me with a pat on my shoulder and I gave a small smile.

MIrae's POV

               School finally ended and I was sitting alone at the sitting area as I waited for Luhan to finish his class. I took out my sketching pad and decided i'd sketch to occupy myself while waiting for him. A few minutes passed and my phone vibrated. I looked to see Luhan's name in the notification. I smiled as I clicked on his text.

Luhan: Class's ending soon. Sorry to keep you waiting. :(

Mirae: It's ok, Luhan. I'll see you later. :)

Luhan: Alright. See you. ;)

               I smiled at our conversation and continued sketching. Just then, someone took a seat in front of me. I looked up to see Jaehyun smiling at me. "Jaehyun! I'm so glad to see you!" I greeted as I gave him a toothy grin. "Good to see you too." he smiled. "Where have you been? I haven't seen you around lately." I pouted. "I was busy with stuffs. Don't make that face." he chuckled.

               "So how are you?" he asked. "I'm fine and you?" I asked back. "Same here." he smiled. "You know, you seem to be glowing." he stated. "Eh? What do you mean?" I asked as my brows furrowed. "Well, it just look like you're so happy." he smiled. "Anything good happened?" he added. "Ah, well.." my voice trailed off suddenly feeling guilty. *Should I tell him now?* I thought as I bit my lip.

               "Well, you see... I kinda- well erm, I-err..." I stuttered as I tried to tell him. I sighed and then took a deep breath. "I... Got back with my boyfriend." I breathed out and looked down in guilt. After a small pause, Jaehyun spoke. "I know." he stated. I looked up in surprise. "W-what? You do? How?" I asked while stuttering.

               "I saw you always with this particular guy recently so.. I kinda figured." he chuckled. I couldn't help but notice that he had a sad look and I felt really guilty. I bit my lips unsure of what to say. "Hey, you don't have to feel guilty and all you know. I already knew you liked someone so... No worries. We're good." he assured me as he placed his hand on top of mine. I looked up at him to see him smiling softly at me.

               "Well then, I should get going. I'll see you around alright." he smiled as he stood up. He patted my head before he walked away. *Jaehyun... Thanks.* I smiled as I watched him walking further and further away.

               "Was that Jaehyun?" said a voice. I turned around to see Luhan standing behind me. He glanced at me and back at Jaehyun. "Yeah, we just talked for awhile and catch up with each other." I said. "Does he know...?" Luhan asked as he looked at me. "Yeah, he already knew." I smiled sadly. "And he told me not to feel guilty but I just can't help it." I added with a sigh.

               "Come on, don't look so sad. He'll be fine." Luhan smiled as he rubbed my back in comfort. I smiled back and quickly packed my things. I then slung my bag on my shoulder as Luhan took my hand in his and we slowly walked out of the campus.

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