Rain Drops

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Mirae's POV

               It's been a few days since Jaehyun confessed to me. I thought it'd be awkward around us but Jaehyun talked to me like we usually do. Guess it's just me that's awkward. "Mirae? Are you listening?" Jaehyun's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "Oh, Jaehyun.. Err-yeah. I was l-listening. Haha." I stuttered as I lied. "Really? What was I talking about then?" he smirked. "Um... You were, talking about...... Food?" I guessed and glanced at him. Jaehyun didn't say anything but raised an eyebrow.

               "I-i'm sorry! I w-wasn't listening to y-you..." I admitted with a pout. There was a few seconds of silence when Jaehyun broke out in laughter. *What's so funny?* I thought as I looked at him in confusion. "I-i'm sorry... Y-you look s-so adorable!" Jaehyun said in between his laugh. I blushed at his words and hid my face with my hair. "Hey, i'm sorry. I didn't mean to laugh like that. I just..couldn't help it." Jaehyun chuckled. I only nodded my head as I didn't dare to look at him with my red face.

               "H-hey.. Are you angry at me? I'm really sorry, Mirae." Jaehyun asked in worry as he gently pushed my hair back so that he could see my face. His gesture only made my heart beat faster then it already was and my face to go even redder. My face is probably the same colour as a tomato. "Your face is so red. Are you sick?" Jaehyun noticed my red face but obviously didn't know it's because I was flustered. "N-no. I'm fine. It's just.. The weather is kinda hot today." I said as I fanned myself with my hand and brushed his hand away. "I see.. Here, drink some water." Jaehyun said as he smiled and handed me a bottled water. "Thanks." I took the bottle and drank from it awkwardly.

Jaehyun's POV

               When the bell rang, Mirae stood up to make her leave. I watched her shove her things in her bag as she waved and flashed a quick smile before walking away. *She's really so adorable...* I thought as I looked at her figure with a smile on my face. "Ehem." I looked to the side when I heard someone coughing. "Oh, Jihwan ah. What are you doing here?" I asked as my friend slid his hands into his jeans pocket.

               "Just passing by on the way to class when I saw you gawking at that girl over there." he stated as he nudged his head towards the direction where Mirae was. "Oh and i don't know if you know this but... You literally drooled." he added with a smirk. "I-what?!" I widened my eyes and quickly wiped my mouth only to find that I wasn't drooling. I looked up at Jihwan with a glare at which he laughed out loud, happy that I fell for his trick. "OMG! That was so funny!" he said as he continued laughing with his hands clutched around his stomach.

               I let out a low scowl and he slowly stopped laughing. "Whew." he said wiping the small tears from laughing so hard. "You're really funny, Jaehyun. Come on, let's go to class." he said as he slapped my shoulder. I stood up and walked in front of him. *That was so embarrassing. Aish.* I thought as I mentally slapped myself.

Mirae's POV

               Today was really a long day as I had to stay back after school to finish up an assignment. School normally ended at 4pm but now is already nearly 6pm. *I am so tired.* I thought as I let out a yawn and walked out of the campus with my shoulders slumped. "Someone looks like she's going to die at any moment." a person said in amusement from behind to which I quickly whipped my head around. "Oh, Luhan. Hi." I greeted as Luhan smiled and walked beside me.

               "How come you ended school so late?" he asked as he looked at me. "Assignment." I stated. "What about you?" I asked. "Oh, well I had to help out with something." he said. "I see." I nodded. "The sky's getting dark..." Luhan spoke as he looked up at the sky. I looked up and saw that the sky is getting cloudy. *It's going to rain soon. Did I bring my umbrella?* I thought. "We should walk faster. I bet it'll rain soon." he said as I nodded and we walked a little faster.

               Like he said, soon enough it rained heavily. We quickly ran for shelter nearby. I then proceeded to take my umbrella out from my bag only to find that I didn't have one. *Crap.* I thought. I turned to Luhan to see him stepping out in the rain with and umbrella in his hand. *Well, this is embarrassing. He brought and umbrella but look at you. Such a disgrace. Tsk tsk tsk.* I thought as I condemned. I then looked back at Luhan.

               "What's wrong?" he said a little confused as to why I was still standing there. "Erm, I don't have an umbrella." I said as I rubbed my nap in shame. "Well, we could share." he said. "No, it's fine. You can go on. I'll wait here until it stops raining." I said with small smile. *Besides, the umbrella was too small for the two of us.* I thought as I rubbed my arm. I looked back at Luhan and he slowly nodded his head. He then turned around and started walking away.

               A few minutes had passed and the rain doesn't seem like it'd stop anytime soon. I soon got tired of standing so I decided to squat down. *How could he just leave me alone like this..?* I sighed. *He could've at least urged me a little further but he just left and walked-wait. What am I thinking? Don't be ridiculous, Mirae. You're not his girlfriend anymore! But still...no no. Stop thinking like this!* I thought as I mentally cursed myself and shook my head. Just then, I heard a voice.

               "Mirae?" I turned to the voice and was surprised to see the person who the voice belonged to. "L-Luhan? W-what are you doing here?" I stuttered as I slowly stood up. "I left something behind." he stated with a smile as he slid his left hand into his pocket. "R-really?" I said as I looked around. *I don't see anything here though..* I thought. "There's nothing here, Luhan." I said still looking around. "There is." he said and I looked back at him in confusion. Luhan let out a small laugh as he spoke.

               "I left you behind."

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