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Going to Luke's house was so weird. He seemed like he knew what he was doing but was acting like he didn't know anything. It was so strange. The next day in class, he asked me to go over his house again. Why does he need me to? I can see perfectly clearly that he doesn't need my help. The last quick quiz that our teacher gave us a few days ago, he got a 90 on. What could this bully want with me? Maybe he's just trying to hurt me again. Maybe this is all some practical joke. I sure hope it's not I don't want a complete repeat of last year.

  Walking into his house for a second day in a row felt weird. Like it shouldn't be happening, like something was really wrong. I didn't want Luke to think that I didn't like him as a person or something strange like that. He seems like a really nice person, I just don't think of him like that because of all the things he's said to me. I walked into the small library that I was in yesterday. Luke got me some water like yesterday, then sat down across from me with his notebook, a pencil, and a calculator. He looked like he had something to say, but couldn't find the words. He found his words after a few minutes and began to speak.

"I'm sorry for what I did Liana."

I looked at him with a blank face, not quite sure what to say. Luke just said sorry. Sorry for what though I might have to ask. He looked at me with expecting eyes, I could tell he wanted me to say something only I couldn't think of what to say.

"I'm sorry I was so caught up in my own world that I didn't even think about how it might affect you. What I did to you last year wasn't right. I shouldn't have said any of that. I realise now that, I am a bad person and I shouldn't have even thought of talking to you because, what I did was unforgivable."

I looked at him with wide eyes. He made a very good point. What he did was unforgivable, I shouldn't even be helping him. I am though, because I'm a good person and two wrongs don't make a right. Well that's what my mom always said. I took a sip of the water he gave me without taking my eyes off of him. I looked him dead in the eyes as I said this to him.

"Maybe coming here was a bad idea. Maybe I shouldn't have agreed to help you with math. Even though I knew you were lying to me about it. One thing my mother always said though is that two wrongs don't make a right. I chose to help you because there must be a reason why you asked me when you could have just asked Ashton. I can now see that your whole point in asking me was for this. Was it not?"

I don't think I have ever said so much to one person before. His face showed the sadness he's been trying so hard to not let show and his head was down so he was no longer looking at me. I could still see it though and I could feel myself becoming soft for this bully. For my bully. I could feel the tears starting to well up in my eyes as I remembered all the rude things he's said to me and all the jokes he's made about me behind my back. Then I heard him speak. It was a whisper, soft and hurt, but I heard it.

"I'm so sorry Liana. I never wanted to hurt you like that."

"But you did Luke. I have spent months crying over the fact that you did say those things about me. It hurt Luke, it still does."

After I said that his eyes met with mine again. My tears spilled from my eyes as I looked into his blue eyes. The look of hurt in his eyes made my tears fall faster as I cried more. The feeling of the lonley nights set in. All the nights in which I cried myself to sleep for the rumors he spread. The nights I wanted to be nonexsistent for the fact that he was hurting me even though I have done nothing to him. Then suddenly, I felt myself being oulled out of my chair and being wrapped in the warmth of someones arms. Opening my eyes slightly I could see Luke's plaid shirt against my face. Luke was hugging me and I could hear some soft sniffles coming from him. I decided not to question and just let this warmth make me feel better for now.



Sorry for the late updates. And very sorry for the spelling mistakes. VOTE AND COMMENT PLEASE! Thanks guys you make my day. :)

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