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The two boys arrived at the hideout. The trapdoor was already open, laughter erupting from it. Both Eddie and Richie hopped off their bikes and put them with the others bikes'. "I can take that," Richie said to Eddie as he grabbed the plastic bag. Eddie flashed him a small smile and he approached the open trapdoor.

"Hey, guys!" he said as he climbed down the ladder. A collective of "hey!"'s came from the underground pit. Richie dropped down and smiled at his friends. Beverly sat in the hammock while Bill and Mike were setting up the place with streamers. "Where's the balloons?" Richie asked as he dropped the bag full of snacks onto a table. Bill looked over at Mike. "We went to the store for streamers and balloons but the only balloons they had were.. uh, red."

Eddies eyes slid closed. "Oh," Richie said. Bill nodded before turning back to fixing the streamers. "Anyway," Mike continued on, "we have snacks to step up."

Beverly stood and picked up a plastic bag that sat by her feet. "I brought some plastic plates and forks and spoons from home. It was the most I could do." She set it down on the table with the other food. "Ri- Richie, you do re- remember last time we- we had sour patch- sour patch kids, right?" Bill asked and looked over at Richie while holding the bag. Mike smiled and Beverly snorted. "Is that the only thing people remember when talking about sour patch kids? That I burned off all my tastebuds?" Richie asked, throwing his hands up in the air.

Eddie leaned back in the hammock. "It was one of your stupider moments," He said. Richie rolled his eyes over to Eddie as Beverly nodded. "Eddie's not wrong," Mike said and Richie sighed. "Fine, you're all assholes."

Three out of four of the kids started to laugh. Richie shook his head to hide the hint of a smile on his face.


The group of friends finished setting the hideout just in time. Bike tires skidding across leaves could be heard from outside the trapdoor. "Guys, they're here!" Excitement wavered in the air as the kids waited for Stan and Ben to come down. Footsteps approached and Stan's head popped into view. He smiled and waved down at them. "Hey Stan!" Mike said and Ben came into view. "Hi guys!" He said, waving.

"Happy Birthday!" Everyone sais once the two boys got down the ladder. A smile stayed plastered on Ben's face. "Wow.. I knew we were hanging out but I didn't expect this," he said. "Yeah! We got snacks and streamers.." Richie said. Ben walked over to the table of food and looked at the Sour Patch Kids. "Sour Pa-"


The group erupted in laughter. Richie huffed out a breath of air before shaking his head. "You're all assholes," he said before joining Ben by the table. "Sorry, sorry," Ben sputtered out as Beverly's laughter fizzled out.

"Come on guys," Ben said as he ripped the bag open, "let's get this party started." Beverly snorted and grabbed the bag of chips before walking over to Bill. Ben swallowed thickly and turned his head away from the couple.

"Oh! I forgot! Guys," Mike said as he held up a bag. "I bought Birthday Hats. Who wants one?" A few people raised their hands and walked over to Mike to grab their hats. Richie walked over to Eddie who was in the hammock with two hats in his hand. Eddie eyed him suspiciously and sunk deeper into the hammock. "You're not putting that on me," Eddie said. Richie cocked his head to the side and stared down at Eddie. "Come on, Eds. Don't be a party pooper." Eddie sucked in his lips and looked around, watching everyone else put theirs on. He sighed and Richie offered it to him again. "Fine." Eddie grabbed it from him and snapped it onto his head. He cringed at the gentle sting before falling back into the hammock.

Richie couldn't help but smile and snap the hat onto his own head. "Stylish, huh?" Stan said as he adjusted his. Mike smiled proudly as he leaned against the pillar.

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