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[Messages between Martijn and Ariana]

Martijn: hey Ari, r u okay?
Martijn: there's so much happing right now

Yeah, I think I am okay..? :Ariana
It's just that everytime I read something I know they're right. I am a disgusting person, I hate myself. :Ariana

Martijn: Ari, I know it's hard but don't be to hard on yourself. Just try not to read anything and this will get over, eventually.

And the worst part is, I think I still really like Justin.... :Ariana
But we can probably never be together because everyone will know who the secret guy was :Ariana

Martijn: yea.....
Martijn: but, I think you need to explain. What happened to everyone, so people can understand it and maybe they can respect you a little bit more then.

What?? Are you out of your mind? :Ariana
I can't just tell everybody "oh and btw I cheated on Shawn with Justin fucking Bieber" :Ariana

Martijn: You don't have to name Justin, you can just say, yeah I cheated it was stupid I'm sorry.

I don't know, I'm scared as fuck. :Ariana
Maybe I need to talk to Shawn first. :Ariana
He just won't let me in his house ugh :Ariana

Martijn: Message him.
Martijn: you can do it.

Thank u, bye🖤 :Ariana

[Messages between Shawn and Ariana]

Hi, Shawn. :Ariana

Shawn: Hi
Shawn: What do you want.

Okay, so since you've kinda exposed me with your song, everyone knows I cheated. So I thought I'd put something up explaining myself. :Ariana

Shawn: Sure, why do you need to tell me first?

Because I wanted to be sure everything's alright between us. :Ariana
And I know it's not so I thought I'd say sorry.  :Ariana
Again. :Ariana
Sorry? :Ariana

Shawn: Omg Ari.
Shawn: no I forgive you.

SERIOUS?? :Ariana
Like, you don't hate me anymore?? :Ariana

Shawn: I could never hate you Ari, you know that.
Shawn: But I know you like Justin.

Wait what? :Ariana

Shawn: You like him!! So move on and be with him and be really happy plz

Omg Shawn🥺 :Ariana
I'm going to post something real quick :Ariana

Shawn: yeah, u can do it🖤

Thank u🖤 :Ariana

I SEE IT, I LIKE IT (finished) Where stories live. Discover now