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[Messages between Dua and Ariana]

Dua I wanna tell u something :Ariana

Dua: And you can't tell me in person?
Dua: I'm literally in the same room

Yes but I'm nervous lol :Ariana

Dua: Well tell me!!!

I think I'm falling in love with Shawn again :Ariana

Dua: Omg Ari
Dua: Thats cute, you two are so cute together!
Dua: Are you going to tell him?

No, maybe idk :Ariana
I don't want to ruin everything again :Ariana

Dua: please, I think he still likes you.

Why do you think that? :Ariana

Dua: Well I kinda asked him....

You did whAT? :Ariana
Omg dua whyyyy :Ariana
So what did he say :Ariana

Dua: Well I just felt like he's in love with you and asked him. He said no but I think he does love you.
Dua: Why don't you invite him over and watch a movie or something?

Well idk, maybe. I can text him now? :Ariana

Dua: Do it!

[Messages between Shawn and Ariana]

Hey Shawn :Ariana

Shawn: Hi Ari what's up?

Ehm, Well :Ariana
Would you like to maybe come over sometime and have diner or something? :Ariana
If you don't want to you don't have to of course I was just wondering :Ariana

Shawn: Omg no of course I want to!
Shawn: Just asking, do you consider this a date or just friends hanging out?

Idk, what do you wanna call it? :Ariana

Shawn: 🙃
Shawn: I'm coming over tonight.

C u 🖤 :Ariana

[Messages between Ariana and Dua]

Ariana: Dua!!

ARI! :Dua

Ariana: I asked him to come over and have dinner
Ariana: he said yes and asked me if it was a date.

And what did you say? :Dua

Ariana: I asked him what he wanted it to be
Ariana: And then he sent a smiley

oooOooh :Dua
I hope y'all get together!! :Dua

I SEE IT, I LIKE IT (finished) Where stories live. Discover now