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[Messages between Ariana and Dua]

Ariana: Ughh Im so annsoysd why is Justin doing this?? We didn't tkalk ahout any h post on Instagram at all and here he is saying we gooddo friends as if we didjt fightj at all.l

Woah.. calm down Ari. :Dua
What exactly happened? :Dua

Ariana: I asked ls him lhow we coudl on with the lovej and he said he did ndot want to.
Ariana: So I blockdj him hehehehe
Ariana: take that bieebbzzz

Ari? Are u drunk? :Dua

Ariana: Noo I justt had
Ariana: I jus ha da few zips

Well.. seems like you're drunk, don't do anything stupid, promise me? :Dua

Ariana: NoOooO Im now goin g tto sent Shawnie a tecxjft
Ariana: Cutie handsuom zhanwie

Okay that might not be the best idea.. I get it, you want attention from a boy but Shawn is your ex and you might give him hope. :Dua

Ariana: Noo ihjust want to talkdmd

[Messages between Ariana and Shawn]

Ariana: Zhaabbwwn
Ariana: Shaanwn!!?

Hey wow Ari, are you okay? :Shawn

Ariana: Yeahss jusdjtin broke up eith me

Yes I saw that, shall I come over, it might not be smart to be alone, you sound kinda drunk. :Shawn

Ariana: Om gh yas come kf over
Ariana: Wenh arr you comminnggg?,

Now, just stay were you are, okay :Shawn

[Messages between Dua and Shawn]

Dua: Shawn did Ari text you? Can you please check if she's okay?

Yes she texted me, I'm going to her house right now, she is really drunk, isn't she? :Shawn

Dua: Yes, I think she is
Dua: And be careful, I think she's drinking her feelings away and she also might try to do something with you since you're her ex.

I understand, I'm going to be careful, but now I going to her house, I talk to you later. :Shawn

Dua: cu🖤

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