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[Messages between Justin and Ariana]

Justin: Ariiiiii

Justiiiiinn: Ariana

Justin: Omg I am so excited for our song to come out! Only a week left whaaa!!!!

IKR!! :Ariana
I cannot wait wow, I love the song so much! :Ariana

Justin: Me too, I wish we could tell the world bout us...

Same, but you know we can't. I'm so sorry it's my fault. :Ariana

Justin: It's OUR fault. We both were wrong and now we're both dealing with the consequences. But at least we are together🖤

Yea, and we can make music together soo.. :Ariana
But I need to tell you something tho :Ariana

Justin: Are you breaking up with me?
Justin: ARI!

WHAT :Ariana
Justin no : Ariana

Justin: But what did you want to say?

I am going on tour soon again... if we can make everything good with the arenas :Ariana
And I'm going to Europe and Asia... :Ariana

Justin: Then Im coming, I'll just don't plan anything for the coming months

You can't do that! You have a career too! :Ariana

Justin: But I wanna be with you!

We can be, a couple of shows but you can't come with all of them. :Ariana

Justin: We're going to make it work, I promise.
Justin: I love you!

I love you too🖤 :Ariana

I SEE IT, I LIKE IT (finished) Where stories live. Discover now