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[Messages between Dua and Ariana]

Dua: Ari...
Dua: I need to tell you something

Okay what's up? :Ariana

Dua: I think Martijn is cheating on me..

WHAT? Are you kidding me? :Ariana

Dua: I wish. But I saw some texts and he leaves randomly to I don't know where.


Dua: Wait. I'm not done yet.
Dua: I also know who he's cheating with

Who? :Ariana
Wait, don't tell me its.. :Ariana

Dua: Its Charelle.

Oh my god. I'm going to text him right now. :Ariana

Dua: I don't know...

Well... I'm going to ask him anyways :Ariana

[Messages between Martijn and Ariana]

Martijn, can I ask you something? :Ariana

Martijn: Sure, what's up?

Did you cheat on Dua? :Ariana
Wait before you say anything, I'm not here to get mad at you. I told Dua I was mad but I am not. Because if you cheated, I can understand. I've been there to. :Ariana

Martijn: I did.... how do you know?
Martijn: Does Dua know?

Yeah, she texted me... are you okay? And what are you going to do now? :Ariana

Martijn: I wanted to tell her.. I couldn't handle it anymore, I feel so so guilty..

She deserves to know, just tell her. :Ariana

Martijn: Im going to text her now.

[Messages between Dua and Martijn]

Dua i need to tell you something. :Martijn

Dua: Oh no... it is actually true

Dua.. please let me explain. :Martijn


I know.. I'm so so so sorry. I really am. :Martijn

Dua: But what do you want me to do??
Dua: and why did you do it...

I feel so shitty to say this but I did it because I still am so confused about my feelings. I don't feel to be with you (also not with Charelle) I need some time for myself. I'm sorry. :Martijn

Dua: Martijn, you could've told me that you needed some time.... I would understand, and I understand now but you've hurt me.

I know, I'm so sorry.. :Martijn

Dua: Well then take your time.. have some time for yourself, take time to breathe.
Dua: You mean the world to me and I want you to be happy. Even if that's not with me.

Dua.. thank you so much.. :Martijn
You're better then I deserve. :Martin

I SEE IT, I LIKE IT (finished) Where stories live. Discover now