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[Messages between Dua and Ariana]

DUA !!! :Ariana

Dua: What what happened??


Dua: OMG YESS !!!
Dua: He asked you?!

Yeah, he texted me to come over to talk to me, and then he said he was in love with me!! :Ariana
I'm so happy, I won't fuck it up this time, I love him so so much :Ariana

Dua: This is so cute I cannot.
Dua: I'm so happy for you two

Yeah I'm very happy too!! :Ariana
I'm at his btw, so imma go rn, talk to you later? :Ariana

Dua: Ofc, have fun ;)

[Messages between Ariana and Justin]

Ariana: Hi jus, can I tell you something?

Oh that doesn't sound to good, what did I do? :Justin

Ariana: Noo it's good
Ariana: Shawn and I are dating again!!

Omg!!! :Justin
Finally!! I'm so happy for you two! :Justin

Ariana: I'm so happy too, I cannot believe it, I really missed him.
Ariana: I'm happy your okay w it

Ofcourse, I'm happy when you're happy! Now go back to your boyfriend! :Justin

Ariana: I will hahahaha
Ariana: Love you

Too :Justin

I SEE IT, I LIKE IT (finished) Where stories live. Discover now