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[Messages between Ariana and Justin]

Ariana: Justin text me now!!
Ariana: I'm so so worried, why aren't you reacting, and what about the post on Instagram?

Hi, I'm here, I'm okay :Justin

Ariana: You don't seem fine?
Ariana: You're so cold to me, and you never react to my texts. I love you so much but I don't know what's up and when I go to your home you either aren't home or don't let me in.
Ariana: It hurts my feelings and I don't know if I did something wrong or...

You didn't do anything wrong.. it's just, I don't feel to good right now and I don't want you to see me in a bad state because you might get worried :Justin

Ariana: Justin im your girlfriend, im here in good and bad times and also I'm already worried so..
Ariana: It bothers me you don't trust me enough to tell me about your problems. If you're dealing with anxiety, or anything else just tell me.

Im sorry Ari. It's just, I don't want that you need to deal without problems. It's better i do that myself. :Justin

Ariana: See this is what's annoying me. It feels like you don't want my help.
Ariana: Do you even want me?!

Like this no! :Justin

Ariana: Well then this is it.

No Ari wait I didn't mean it like that :Justin
message has not been delivered

shit :Justin
message has not been delivered

[Messages between Dua and Ariana]

He broke up with me. Just like that. Over text :Ariana

Dua: WHAT???
Dua: Justin??

Yeah... I was really worried because he has not been reacting to any texts I send him so I asked him what was going on. He told me he was dealing with anxiety so I told him I wanted to be there for him. But he didn't want my help somehow so I got annoyed and then he said he didn't want me. :Ariana

Dua: Okay I'm coming over right now. Please keep calm, it's going to be fine.

[Messages between Justin and Dua]


Justin: Woah what?

Breaking up with Ari like that you asshole! :Dua

Justin: oh Dua now wait..
Justin: I didn't want to break up, I was just annoyed.

Because she wanted to help you? :Dua

Justin: I just couldn't cope with all the attention.

Im sure Ari still wants to be with you, just apologise. :Dua

Justin: Dua you don't understand it.
Justin: I don't want her back. I don't want to be in a relationship. I need some me-time

Oh... I didn't know that. :Dua

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