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I've been on tour with Sweet Pea and Fangs for a few months now. Somehow during all of this Cheryl and I found time to get her pregnant and I know you're probably think that she probably cheated or something but we went to a doctor and used a sperm donor. We're performing at lollapalooza on the main stage next week which is fucking crazy only a few years ago we were performing in bars couch surfing. Right now we're sitting in the bathtub taking a bath. "Cheryl I really want to tell people you're pregnant." I kiss the back of her neck. "You're far enough along that we don't really have to worry about a miscarriage." I rub her stomach slowly. "I don't know babe." She whispers kissing my hand softly. "But we both know I'm really shitty at keeping secrets so they're going to find out. Also people will find out anyways because you're going to have our child." I whisper kissing behind her ear. She moans quietly. "Fine." She whispers. "When do you want to announce my pregnancy?" She smiles.

I hand my bass to the stage hand. I look at Cheryl and nod. I go to the mike. "Umm. Hi." I smile awkwardly. "I don't usually go in front of the mike and talk to thousands of people. This is making my anxiety go up more than usual." I laugh awkwardly. Sweet Pea hits on the drums. "Just tell them." He speaks into his mike that only goes to me and Fangs. "Ok. Cheryl and I have- have an announcement." I reach my hand out for Cheryl to come. She walks out and takes my hand. Everyone starts screaming. "I don't really feel like I need to say anymore but for the people who just wants to hear it. My wife is pregnant!" I smile. I pull Cheryl into a kiss. "I love you." I whisper so only can hear me. "I love you too." She smiles. I kiss her again. She goes off stage and a stage hand gives me my bass back. "Thank you." I tell him. I nod to Sweet Pea. "One! Two! Three! Four!" He slams on the drums and we play our songs.

I get off stage, put my bass behind my back and immediately kiss Cheryl. We pull away and hug her slowly. "Topaz!" Fangs yells. "Both of you lets go!" I smile. "Come on." I take my bass off and place it in the case and I take  Cheryl's hand. We go to the tour bus and get on. We all have separate ones only because we're all married. Well Sweet Pea is engaged but still. The bus slowly starts and we continue on our tour.

We finally had the baby. It's a boy! We named her Jason. "He's beautiful." Cheryl whispers. "So no touring for a least a year." She tells me. I laugh. "I know it's what we agreed on."

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