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I look through the photos from last night. "Baby!" I yell. "What?" She ask coming out out of the bathroom. "Look." She walks over and looks.


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"Aww." She smiles. "I was about to ask how we ended up with a blonde kid but than I realized we used a donor." She jokes and kisses my cheek. I smile. "I love you guys."


I pick Jason up. "Look it's mommy!" I smile as look at stage. "Mommy!" He points out at her. "Yeah!" He laughs. I look over at Kevin and he's smiling at Fangs. I don't know where Veronica went. She's somewhere. "It's loud." Jason yells coving his ears. I grab the headphones and place them on his tiny head. "Better?" He nods and lies his head on my shoulder. I sway slowly. Jason claps his hands when the song is done. The stage goes dark and the lights for b stage which is near the control center where we are. The boys and Toni walk out. Toni blows us a kiss and they start playing. Veronica walks over to me. "Can we talk after the show?" She ask yelling over the fans. I nod. "Of course." Jason claps. "Mommy big star!" Jason yells. I smiles and kiss his cheek. "Yeah." The show goes on half way through Jason got really tired so we went back to the tour bus. I rub Jason's shoulder slowly. "Veronica... what happened?" I ask quietly. "I think in pregnant." She whispers. "That's great! Right?" She nods. "We've been trying for a while... it's about time." She smiles. "I just don't know how to tell him." I smile. "Yeah of course you don't. It's Sweet Pea, his brain is the size of well a pea!"

"How was the rest of the show?" I ask as Toni walks onto the bus. "Great!" She smiles taking off her. "A fan tried to make out with me." She sits down. "It was weird she was like 12." She whispers. "When?" I laugh a little. "During when I stupidly decided to go into the audience." She laughs getting out of her show clothes. She throws on sweat pants and a sweatshirt. "Jason's sound asleep right?" She smiles. The bus slowly starts moving. "Yeah." I whisper. She grabs a beer. "Veronica might be pregnant." She stops. "Finally!" She laughs. "Mama." Jason cries. "I'll get him." Toni whispers going to grab him. "Hey bud." Toni's right. She needs to be home with Jason more. She walks out holding Jason. "Mommy." She smiles.

"Jason!" I run after him. "Mama! Mama!" He runs over to the gate that will be holding back fans in a few hours. "Mama! Mama!" He jumps happily. I sit down on the floor. "JJ come here!" I yell. He runs over and sits in front of me. "Mama!" He laughs. "Yeah!" I smile. "Uper Star!" He claps. I kiss his cheek. "Yeah that's mama." I smile. "Can we get more drums?" Sweet Pea yells. Veronica sits next to me. "Mama uper star!" Jason stands up clapping and jumping. "Where's Kev?" I ask quietly. "Well we're in New York City, he's the only person who's never been here and he's gay. So probably seeing a broadway show." She smiles. I laugh a little. "Yeah." I pull Jason closer to me. "Can we just get drums?" One of the sound guys ask over the speaker. Toni places her bass on a stand and comes down. "Hey baby." She smiles picking Jason up. "I love you buddy." She tickles him. "I wuv you!" He laughs. "Do you want to go outside?" She ask quietly. "Yeah!" I get up and we all walk outside. Fans start screaming through the gates. Toni waves at the excitedly. "Jason look!" She smiles. We walk over to them. "Hi!" Jason waves. He blows kisses to everyone. I rub Toni's back. I never realized how much the fans meant to Toni. "I have too go guys. We have too do like 20 interviews in the span of an hour." She laughs a little. And that's why Toni needs a break from touring. She signs a few posters and we go back inside. We walk back inside. "Oh my god!" She whispers under her breath. "You really this break." I whisper. "See!" She kisses me slowly. "Eww!" Jason covers his eyes. "Oh shut up!" I kiss his cheek. "Come on I actually have 20 interviews." She smiles. "Down!" Jason yells. She places him on the floor. "Baba!" He runs over to Sweet Pea. He picks Jason up. "Hey little man." He smiles. "He doesn't know right?" Toni shakes her head. "No."


"Are you guys working on your next album?" Sweet Pea looks at me. "Y-yeah. We are planning on taking a small break to work on it. We already have a few songs ready but nothing solid." Fangs answers for the 3 of us. "Toni!" I look at the interviewer. "You were with your son and fans this morning." I nod to show I'm listen. "Is it hard to take care of your son while on tour?" I take a deep breath. "Yeah. O-of course. Sometimes it's hard to keep my marriage together. But I love them no matter what." I smile. "Would you say you're an unfit mother?" I shake my head. "No! I- it's always hard to be a parent. It's just different!" I tell him. "I didn't know the band was going to become what it's become. The band happened to pick up when my son was born. I just went with it!" I get frustrated. I look at Sweet Pea. You "Sweet Pea! How does it feel to know you'll becoming a father?" His eyes widen. "What?"

"You're pregnant?" Sweet Pea ask walking into his dressing room. Veronica looks up. "Who told you?" She stands up. "The interview guy. And than Toni just said he wasn't lying. Am I going to be a father?" He ask way to excitedly. She walks over to him. "Yeah." She smiles. Sweets hugs her and picks her up. "I'm gonna be a dad!" He smiles. "I'm a dad!" He kisses her. "Holy shit!"

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