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I roll over. Jason is cry. I take a deep breath and get up. "Five more minutes." Cheryl pulls me back. "It's Jason. He's crying." I whisper. She lets go and goes back to sleep. I walk through the connector room. "Hey bud!" I pick him up from his crib. "What's wrong?" I ask quietly. I try to calm him down. "Cheryl help! He won't calm down and you like gave birth to him so you know him and stuff." Cheryl quickly walks in and takes Jason. "Sorry." I smile nervously. "It's ok." She whispers. "What's wrong?" She sits on the bed. I pace around. Maybe he was right. Maybe I'm not a good mom. I sit down on a chair. "You ok?" She ask quietly. "Yeah. I just- yeah." I stumble over my worlds. "You sure?" I nod. "Yeah. I just need to get some fresh air." I whisper.

I knock on the door. I hear Jason start crying. "Fuck." I whisper as Cheryl opens the door. "I'm sorry. I forgot a key. I just- I- I'm-." She stops me. "Calm down. It's ok." She whispers. "Look at the time Jason usually gets up again at this time anyways." She rubs my shoulder. She lets me in and gets Jason. "Buddy." She grabs some milk for him. "Better?" He nods. Cheryl rocks him slowly as he falls asleep. "You need to rest. You have a show tomorrow." She lies me down on the bed. "Yeah." I get under the covers and Cheryl lies next to me with Jason on her stomach. "I hate hotel rooms." I roll over facing them. "Yes but this is our life."

"Mama!" I wake up to Jason on top of me. "JJ." I sit up holding him slowly. For some reason he switches between who he calls Mommy and who he calls Mama. We haven't figured it out yet. But as of now we both respond it either right now. "Where's mommy?" I ask quietly. "Food." She get up and get him ready. I brush his teeth and his hair. "This one or this one?" I ask showing him two shirts. "Dat one!" He points at the blue striped shirt. I help him get it on, I slip his Cookie Monster shoes on and we walk out of the room. "Jason wait!" He stop before running into Fangs. "Hey watch where you're going!" He smiles. "Go back to your mama." Jason runs back over to me. We go downstairs. "What do you want?" I pick him up grabbing a plate. "Waffles!" He smiles. "Ok. Just one they're really big." I tell him. I help him get home. "Don't touch it. It's hot." I stop him. I put him down so I can get the waffles. "Butter?" He nods. I grab some butter and we go over to Cheryl. I help Jason up in his chair and we eat. "Why did you leave Jason the bed?" I ask quietly. "Because he wanted to sleep. Also you never move so I thought it would be fine." I smile. "Ok." I help feed Jason. "Are you ok?" She ask quietly. "Can we talk? Later?" She nods. "Of course." I cut Jason's waffle.

"What did you want to talk about?" Cheryl ask rubbing the back of my neck. "Am I a bad mom?" I ask concerned. "No! Jason loves you more than anything!" She whispers. "Ok." I kiss her. "That interview really got to your head?" I nod. "Yeah." I whisper. "Cheryl. I really need a break from all of this." I whisper. "Well you were planning on doing that anyways." I smile. "This is the last show for a long time I promise." She kisses me.

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