2 Years

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2 years later

We've been back on tour for a few months now. It's actually going really well. Archie actually is our singer and guitarist. He's actually really good. Right now we're in Australia for a show. I walk into my dressing room and there are flowers on the table. Cheryl can't be here because Jason is now in school. I'm pretty much on my own right now. I smile and look at the flowers. "Surprise." I turn around and hug Cheryl. "How did you get here?" I ask quietly. "I got on a plane with Jason who is with Sweet Pea because I think we need time alone." She closes the door.

"I want another boy." I confess. Cheryl and I are back at the hotel now after the show. She sits up slightly. "I can't decide that." She smiles. "I was thinking we should adopt." I smile nervously. "I think we should." She whispers. "I think we should name him after Fangs." I confess. She looks at me coping my cheeks. "We are not naming our son Fangs." I smile. "No, that's just his nickname. He's name is Drew." She kiss her. "I miss him." I whisper. She nods. "I know. I really do." She rubs my cheek. "I just wish I stopped him. I knew something was up and I just thought he had a long day." I whisper. She stops me by a kissing me. "I know. It's going to be ok. He's gone, but he was in pain and we should have done something honestly but none us would have known." I nod.


I'm at breakfast right now at the hotel we're staying at. Veronica sits next to me putting her daughter in a high seat. Her name is Lily, she's 2 and looks just like Veronica. "You ok?" V ask quietly. "I'm just worried about Toni." I whisper. "Why?" She ask quietly. "She's doing that irrational thinking thing again." I whisper before drinking my coffee. "What do you mean?" She ask quietly. "She said she wants to adopt another kid." I whisper. "Another?" Jason ask quietly breaking his silence. "Another kid over all." I whisper. He nods. "I don't think she's doing her irrational thinking thing." She whispers. "Talk to her." She smiles. "Yeah." I nod. "Do you want another kid?" She ask quietly. "Definitely."

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