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In this story Jason (Cheryl's brother not son) died after high school


Cheryl lies her arm on me. "You ok?" I ask quietly. "Perfect. This is all perfect." I smile. "Finally." She straddles me. "Luckily Jughead and Betty were willing to take Jason for the night." I pull her into a kiss. "Yeah but we're about to have sex let's not talk about our son." I smile and kiss her again. "I love you." She whispers. "I love you more than anything." She kisses my neck and slowly goes down on me. "Oh! Cheryl." I moan quietly. I hold her head as she goes faster. "Fuck baby."

I walk into the studio where Sweet Pea and Fangs are already messing around in. "Mama!" I look down and Jason is behind me. Cheryl runs down the stairs. "Sorry I thought he was-." I stop her. "It's ok." I smile. "Do you want to see what mommy does?" I ask excitedly. "Mommy big star!" I pick him up. "Yeah. I am." I smile. Cheryl gives me a reassuring nod and smile. "Now promise me you won't touch anything." He nods. "Ok." I sit in front of the control bored. "Fangs go in there and do stuff." I say. He gets up there and starts singing. I show Jason how everything works. I don't think we processed any of it because he's 2 but still he looks interested. We mess around for a bit until Jason starts to get tired. "I'll take him upstairs." I whisper getting up. I bring him upstairs and to his room. I lie in his crib. "Mommy." He mumbles. "Shh baby go to sleep." I whisper. I rub his hair until he curls up into a ball and falls asleep. He's so much like Cheryl. Already. Similar habits. Falling asleep in a ball, clingy and I mean that positively. The way they both play with their hands when they're nervous, smiles, laughs, everything. He's a mini Cheryl which means double the sass. I kiss his forehead, grab a baby monitor and go downstairs. I take a deep breath. "You ok?" Cheryl ask rapping her arms around my waist. I nod. "Yeah! Jason is the mini version of you." I kiss her. "Eww." I flip Sweet Pea off. "I love you." I whisper. "I know. I love you too." She kisses me again. "Also Jason is more like my brother." She whispers pulling away. "What?" I look at her confused. "You realize me and JJ were the same person right?" I shake my head. "Not really. But it doesn't surprise me. You guys we inseparable." Cheryl's brother died a few years ago. I don't know if Cheryl ever got over it. She doesn't talk about him that much. I try not to bring it up only because I don't know what do! I've never lost a twin! I'm just unfortunately waiting for the next shoe to drop. "Cheryl. You never talk about Jason. If you wan-." She interrupts me. "We've had this discussion! I don't want to talk about it." I look down and nod. "It's really raw still." She whispers realizing she snapped. "I get it." I whisper. She rubs my cheek. "Your grandfather would be proud." She whispers. "He would have loved Jason." I smile. Cheryl nods and laughs a little. "Oh my god! Yeah he would have spoiled him rotten."


"Water!" Jason runs over to me. I pick him up. "Do you want to go swimming?" I ask excitedly. He nods. He's probably going to just sit near the edge and tap the water. But still. He's in his swimsuit Toni comes out of our room in a bikini top and swim trunks. "We're going to go Swimming." She smiles. "Ok. I'll be there in a minute." I hand Jason to her. "Can you grab my camera?" She ask quietly. "Yeah!"

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