End Of An Era

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Cheryl walks into the kitchen. "Hey baby. You ok?" She kisses my cheek. "I have a meeting with the boys later." I give Jason his pancakes. "Don't eat them fast!" I tell him. "I know." He smiles. He eats his pancakes while we drink our coffee. "I'll get him to school. Go to work." I whisper. She kisses me and Jason. I sit in front of Jason. "It's you and me." I smile. "Finish eating. I'll help you get ready." I take a slice of banana. "When are you playing your- your music a-again?" He ask quietly. "I don't know. It's been hard since Fangs is gone." I tell him honestly. "Why is he gone?" I take a deep breath. "He had some issues that he needed to take care of." We never told him that Fangs died. "When will he be back?" He ask quietly. "I don't know bud." I whisper. "Why?" I shake my head. "Not right now bud." I get up and put my coffee in the sink. "Let's get you dressed." I smile.

I walk downstairs into the recording studio. "Sweet Pea. I can't do this anymore." He nods. "I agree. But we should still work on music." He whispers. I nod. "Yeah." I pace around the room. "It's to hard." I whisper. He nods. "So no more touring?" I nod. "It's to much. For any of us."

"Are you ok?" Cheryl ask quietly as she walks out of the bathroom. "No." I answer honestly. "What's wrong?" She ask rubbing my cheek. "I thought I was going to be better once everything stopped but I can't." I whisper. She kisses me slowly. "Everything is going to be ok. Trust me." I nod. "Yeah. Hopefully."

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