Lost A Friend

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Fp walks into the house. Cheryl rubs my back. "What happened?" I finally speak up. "Fangs was found last night in his bed. We think it's a suicide." I sit back. Sweet Pea looks at me in shock. "Toni." I shake my head. I get up and walk outside. "Toni!" I turn around. "No!" I stop Sweet Pea. "I just need to be alone." I whisper trying not to have a panic attack. I walk to the swings in back, I sit down on a swing. I take a deep breath. "Toni." I look up and Cheryl is walking over to me. "Baby." She cups my cheeks. "Look at me." I shake my head. "Toni Toni- baby look at me." She holds back tears. I start crying. She pulls me into a hug.

"Toni..." I shake my head. "He's gone." I whisper. "How are we going to tell the fans?" I look up Cheryl. "You and Sweet Pea shouldn't be worrying about that." She rubs my cheek. "You guys just need to grieve." She tells me. "How? I just lost someone who was like a brother." I rub my hands. "Toni." I lie back. "I don't know what happened... I saw him before everything." I try not to panic. "I just thought he had a long day." I hold back tears. They're are a knock on the door and Sweet Pea. "Toni. Can we talk downstairs?" He ask quietly. I get up and go downstairs to the studio. "What's the future of the band?" I look up Sweet Pea. Sweet Pea and I after the funeral. "I don't know. I just want to take our break like we are and just figure it out when we think it's appropriate." I whisper. "Are you ok?" He ask quietly. I shake my head. "How are you keeping yourself together?" I ask. "Crying in the shower." He whispers. "No really." I look at him. "Crying alone in the shower." I shake my head. I get up and take a deep breath. "What are we going to do?" I ask looking at him. "You can sing right?" He ask quietly. I shake my head. "You're lucky you get me on stage." I whisper. "We need a singer and a guitarist." I whisper. "Jughead." I laugh a little. "Yeah ok and My son should be our manager." He stands up. "Toni! He can play guitar! You just need to sing in front of people." I laugh. "I physically can't!" I yell. "I can barely get on that stage and play in the background!" I push him away. "Toni. Do you want to break up?" He ask quietly. "N-no I don't want to be haunted by Fangs." I whisper calming down. "Than try! What's the worst that's going to happen? You're going to mess up? Everyone is going to understand why?" He whispers. I look down. "I can't."

"Jason come on." I reach my hand out. He runs over to me. I pick him up and we downstairs. I kiss his cheek. "I love you bud." I whisper.

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