Chapter 2

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TW: Abuse if there's anything else tell me, please!

I drove for eternity. The same thing replaying in my mind. Evan yelling at me. Me yelling at my mom. Over and over again. As if I were being mentally tortured. I looked around. I wished for some way, anyway for it to just stop. I went until my tears clouded my vision too much. I pulled over on the side of the road and cried. I cried for the first time in what felt like years. I cried until there was nothing left. I don't know when it happened.

Would anyone notice if I were to disappear? I thought as I fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning to a light tapping on my window. I look up to see a cop outside my window. Opening it I look at him because this is just what I need right now.

"Is there something I can help you with?"

"Are you alright kid?"

"Perfectly fine," I say as if my life wasn't falling apart before my eyes.

"Well, I'm going to have to ask you to leave, you aren't allowed to park here."

"Alright, I'll go."

"May I ask why you are here?"

"Personal stuff."


"I'd rather not say."

"Son, I'm legally required to ask why you are here."

"I don't really have an answer."

"Were you drunk or high at all last night?"

"Nope. That would've been better though."

"Are you sure?"

"Sir, with all due respect do I look like I've been drinking or smoking?"


"Welp that sucks, I can assure you I didn't."

"I'm going to have to take you in."


"Well one, you aren't cooperating, two you are parking in an illegal spot, three might have illegally smoked or drank last night, and four you are obviously underage."

"Sir, I didn't do anything!"

"Can I get your name?"


"Kid, this will go much easier if you give me your name."

"You can't just come here and take me because you have an assumption!"

"Don't make me force you out."

"Try me!"

Before I had time to react he put his arm through the window unlocking my truck and opening the door. Sadly, I was leaning on that door and almost stumbled out before he caught me.

"Now what's your name?"

"Jared Andrew Kleinman."

"Oh, your Andrew's son."

"Yes, I'm Andrew Kleinman's son. Whoop amazing I know, now you have more reason to take me."

He grabs my arm and puts me in his car.

"Someone will tow your truck."

"That's just great."

We drove off to the station as I stared out of the window. Way to go Kleinman. You get yelled at by your be- your family friend, then you yell at your mom. Driveaway like the idiot you are, and then end up in a cop car. Isn't your life so fine and dandy huh?

We make it to the station and they take me back. Test me all that stupid crap.

"Alright, can I get your parents' number?" The cop asks. I give it to him and wait around a bit more.

I wait for what felt like forever when finally I heard the voice of my mom. I get brought up with a different cop. She was talking to the original. I shrug the lady's hand off my arm and walk towards her. She quickly hugs me.

"Thank you so much, officer!" She says before bringing me to the car.

I sit down in the passenger seat and she gets in and starts driving. We sat in silence for a while.

"Jared Andrew Kleinman!" She shouts, there it is, what I was waiting for.

"That's my name, don't wear it out," I reply.

"Do you have any idea how much you scared me?"


"You can't just do that."

"But I did."

"I was scared when the cops called Jared. I thought you were dead."

"Sorry, that didn't happen last night."

She lightly slapped my hand. "Jared! What's going on?"


"Jared, don't think I didn't listen to everything you had to say last night."

"Way to go, mom, good job on listening I'm so proud of you."

"Why are you pushing people away?"
"I'm not."
"You are."

"Says who?"
"You're mother."

"Oh yeah cool, whatever."

We stayed silent for the rest of the ride. We pulled into the driveway and went inside. I started for my room.

"Don't you dare go up there young man," She says.

"Oh but I do dare," I turn on my heel and head upstairs to my room.


I closed the door and sat on my floor. I had no energy to do anything so I just sat there. Ignore the yells of my mother, as she tried in vain to get me to talk to her. Ha! Like that'll ever happen.

I heard the gruff voice of my father and tensed up. He's here. I cursed under my breath. Of course, he's here. I heard my mom's voice whispering to him in fear. He's rude and vial. Abusive and stinks. Mom has been wanting to leave forever, but fears of the day he finds them. So we stayed. I hoped he wasn't hurting her. I always tried to take the hit for her. It never worked. I wish it could. She's fragile and sick. Any day now, some hit and she could very well die. I feared that day.

I heard the messy steps of my father climb up the stairs. Approaching my room.

"Jared!" He screamed bursting into my room.

"Yeah?" I said, faking my bravery. I looked to see my mother, looking small in the hallway.

"I heard you weren't bein' very good yesterday!"

"Just following in your sad footsteps I guess."

"You listen here, boy!"


I knew what was happening before I could do anything about it. I fell to the ground as a loud crack was heard. My face stinging as he grabs me and pulls me up.

"You disrespectful boy!"

"One of my many names."

Crack! That's number two, my glasses flying off my face.

"You worthless child! You idiot, I ought to teach you respect! You brought this to yourself."

"Oh I know I did."

I heard a snap as he stepped on my glasses. My second pair. He throws me back on the ground. I take a moment to get a hold of my surroundings.

"Don't you dare go in there," He says to my mom. I couldn't see her very well, but I knew she was giving me a pitying look. Wishing she could help. I got up and closed the door. 

I will have you know that The Politician is really hecking great and I love Ben Platt. 

Falling Fast: Jared Kleinman Angst FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now