Chapter 6

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My friend is spamming with videos of him destroying his Minecraft world. 

TW: Fighting


Evan's POV:

I get on the bus looking for any spot. Any spot at all. I see one, in the middle, someone sitting there, I couldn't make out who.

"Can I uh, sit here?" I ask.

"Nope," it was Jared. Of course, it was Jared. He looked worse than yesterday. He was wearing the same clothes. He was soaking wet and he looked sick.

"Jared are you okay?"

"Screw off Evan."

"Take a seat kid!" The bus driver yelled. I had no choice I sat next to him. He glared at me I ignored it. If he didn't want to talk that's fine.

He was scaring me though. I remember him in the halls yesterday. Yelling at Alana about how he wasn't like me. I knew all of it was true. I took the hit I didn't say anything. Then he pushed Alana. He pushed her. Sure, maybe he didn't like what she said, but pushing her?

I ran over there to help her. I almost lost it though. I almost went up to Jared and asked him what he thought he was doing. But I've seen that anger before. Twice. It isn't friendly fire.

The day I came face to face with Connor Murphy. When he pushed me in the hall. That's the first time I saw it. The second time was when he found my letter. When he got mad at me for it. That was the second time.

I saw this in Jared. When he pushed Alana. When I tried talking to him yesterday. He had this anger in his eyes and it scared me. I didn't want him to go through the same stuff Connor did. The same thing I did. I know this is my fault. It has to be.

We came to the school and I quickly stood up. Jared shoved past me. Almost losing his balance in the process. We all went out of the bus and I watched as he started walking towards the school. Two kids came running past him. Probably a couple of freshmen, and accidentally pushed him. It was barely a nudge but it sent him spiraling down. He landed on the grass with a thud.

I thought he would get right up, maybe yell at the kids, but he just layed there.

"Jared?" I asked walking over to him holding out my hand. He looked half asleep.

"Leave me alone, Hansen," He mumbled.

"Maybe you should go home, you aren't looking too great."

"Why should I listen to you?"

"Because you're about to pass out on yourself."

"Am not," he said barely audible.

I waited a second or two to find him sleeping. He always seems to be sleeping what the heck. I tap his shoe with my foot a couple of times before he shot up.

"Please don't hit me!" He shouted, some kids looking at us weird.

"Jared come on we'll be late for class."

"Why are you still here?"

"Because believe it or not Jared, I actually have some care for you."

"So we aren't done with the lying?"

I took a step back, that one stung.

"Forget it, you were always a jerk, and you will always be a jerk."

"Thanks, Evan," He stood up, barely catching himself and walking off.

I went on with my day thinking about him. He wasn't okay that was for sure. I saw him stumbling across the walls. He looked pale, and almost fainting every time he coughed or sneezed. I make it to the class where I sit next to him.

Falling Fast: Jared Kleinman Angst FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now