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WHAT'S THIS??? AN EPILOGUE????? It's more likely than you think

"Evan!" I screamed at the top of my lungs watching as he flailed off his bed. He yelped as he hit the floor. I came around his bed to see him laying on the ground. "Dude get up we are graduating today."

"Five more minutes," Evan mumbled not even opening his eyes.

"You have five seconds to get up before I kick you." 


I kicked him. 

"I'm getting up be patient!" Evan yelled as he slowly got up from the floor. 

"Come on, we get to say goodbye to high school and hello to college." 

See, after that whole uh, shabongle with my dad and my mom, Heidi was like, ah yes child you are mine now, and I mean, who am I to disagree? My mom's funeral was honestly one of the hardest things I had to go through, but she has a nice headstone, and I always visit every week to give new flowers. Heidi knows she can never replace my mom, but she tries to help as one would. So now I live with Evan, and I actually get like a ton of hugs, which is really nice so. Huzzah! I am now a graduating senior living with my best friend away from my abusive father (who is in jail) and honestly, how much better can it get? 

Heidi came into the doorway looking at both of us with mild concern. 

"I heard a thump, did something break?" 

"My arm," Evan deadpanned looking his mom right in the eye. 

"Well that sucks for you, did you fall of your bed?"

"I scared him," I say smirking at him.

She gave a light chuckle, "I have pancakes downstairs." 

We both nodded.

"Now get dressed! We've got a graduation to go to!" I shouted before leaving the room.

"We have an hour before we have to leave be patient!" Evan called back. 

I just laughed before making my way to the kitchen, quickly grabbing a plate and stacking it with pancakes. Evan came down five minutes later and did the same. We both laughed and talked, nothing could ruin this day. Nothing at all. 

*Spongebob voice* One hour later 

I lied. 

Everything is going wrong.

"Where's my tie!" Evan shouted from his room.

"Probably in the same place where my cap is!" I yelled back

"You lost your cap too!?"

"How can we both lose our caps?!"

"Did you touch them?"

"Are you implying that I, the insanely cool Jared Kleinman, lost our caps!"


"I'm going to beat you to a pulp kid."

"Give me your best shot!" 

"Boys!" Heidi shouted.

"Yeeeesss," I say smiling at her. 

"Evan I have your tie, and I have both of your caps now come on I need to take pictures." 

Evan came walking down the stairs lightly punching me before grabbing the tie from his mom. It was the same tie he wore during that one speech. Evan said it could be some sort of symbol for moving on or something, but really it's a nice tie and he likes it. 

"I guess you could say Connor's graduating with us, I mean, it is his tie," Evan said. 

"Yeah, I guess you could say that," I replied smiling at him. 

"Well come on boys, it's time to graduate" 

I've been to three graduations in my life but I'm too lazy to write it so haha it's after graduation. 

I will not cry, crying at graduation is for losers, and I am not a loser. 

That's when Heidi hugged me, "We made it," She whispered.

I started bawling, because, we made it, I made it, Evan made it. It was long and bumpy but we're all here. 

Evan gave another speech, kind of like his speech from before but more about growth, and all. He mentioned Connor, kind of like a small memory to just remember that even the worst seeming people, can end up being the best people you meet. And maybe they weren't friends, but I wouldn't be surprised if they actually ended up being friends. 

The Murphy's showed up, they talked to Evan for a bit, Zoe smiled at me and congratulated me. Alana came up and hugged Evan and I, all three of us taking pictures with each other until it was time to go. 

It's amazing how much can change in such a short span of time. Life seems to go too fast and you can't always stay ahead. You fall behind, and it seems to just get worse and worse, but somehow, you'll always find a way to catch up. Even if it takes a while to find. You can make it. We all can. 

I kinda just wrote this out of the blue, because the story deserves it. I'm like super dehydrated and sleep-deprived so I have no idea what I'm doing, but I hope you all enjoyed it!!!!!! and can I just say 


Falling Fast: Jared Kleinman Angst FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now