Chapter 6: our romantic date

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Lucy's POV:

I woke up the next morning cuddled up against Ian in the hospital bed. The sunlight was shining brightly through the window of the room. It was about 10:30 in the morning when the doctor came in. "Hello Lucy how did you sleep? Are you feeling any better?" " I slept good thank you. And yes I am feeling a lot better." I said smiling at Ian still asleep next to me. "Okay that's great. We will come back in a little bit to check on you again, and hopefully by later today you will both be able to check out and go home." "Okay great, thank you." I said to the doctor as she walked out. About 5 minutes later Ian woke up and I gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "Good Morning babe." I said while cuddling back into his side. "Good morning beautiful" he said back. A couple of hours had past when they finally announced we were able to go home. We got out stuff and walked out of the hospital holding hands. We had Ian's friend joe pick us up from the hospital since we didn't have our car. Once we got home we both sat on the couch. "Do you want to watch a movie?" Ian asked. "Sure sounds good! What do you want to watch" I replied. "I don't care" he said. "Surprise me!" I said back excitedly. He nods and puts a movie in and comes back over to the couch. He sits down and pulls me closer to him as I relax my head into his side and cuddle up against him. Halfway through the movie I decided I wanted to make pop corn. While I was making popcorn the doorbell rang and we both were scared to see who it is. Ian decided to look through the peephole this time to make sure it wasn't Chris. He looked though the peep hole. "It's the police. Probably here to ask questions about who hurt us yesterday" Ian said. "Okay answer the door and we will tell them everything that happened." I said. Ian opened the door. "May we come in?" One of the cops said. "Of course" Ian smiled and led them inside. We all sat down on the couch as the police asked us questions. "Do you know the guy or girl that hurt you guys the other day" one of the police officers asked. "Yes we do. He was my ex boyfriend his name is Chris" I said trying to hold back my tears. Ian came over to me and rubbed my back and kissed the top of my head. I looked up at him and smiled. He always knew how to make me feel better. "Okay thank you. He should be in custody within the next few hours. Have a great day and if anything else happens don't be afraid to contact us." The other police officer said. "Thank you so much" Ian and I both said at the same time. We went back and finished the movie.

Ian's POV:

An hour later the movie was finished. We started talking about funny things that happened at work the other day and our future, etc. "How about I take you out on a date tonight to make up for what happened the other night?" Ian asked nervously. "Ian you don't have too. It's not your fault, like I already said. You were unconscious you couldn't help me." "I know I don't have to but I want to. You mean the world to me and I want to have a night out with my amazing girl friend. So what do you say?" I said smiling. Okay sure! where are we going" she said. I could tell she was so excited. "That's a surprise! Go get ready!" I grinned and she stuck her tongue out and walked into our bed room to get ready. Yes I said our bed room because I am going to ask her to move in with me today. I'm both excited and nervous at the same time. When she was done getting ready she came out of the bathroom in a black dress with silver heels. She had her hair In loose curls with light eye shadow on, mascara and red lipstick. She looked perfect. "Wow! You look amazing" I said. "You don't look to bad yourself!" She winked back at me. I grabbed her hand and said "let's go babe".

Lucy's POV:

Once we got to the fancy resteraunt he guided me inside and we sat down at a table in the back. There was candles all
Over the table along with fancy glasses and tableware. A young waitress came over to our table. "Hello my name is jessi and I will be your sever today. What can I get you to drink" "Can I have wine please" I said. "Can I have a beer please" Ian said. "Yep I'll be back soon with your drinks." She smiled and walked away. We both looked at the menu and decided what we wanted to order. I was going to get the chicken cutlet Parmesan and Ian was going to get the steak with French fries and mashed potatoes. Once we ordered, about 15-20 minutes later our food came. We ate so much and talked until we were bored and laughed until we cried and had a great night together. After we were all done eating and ready to go he said " hey Lucy I have to ask you something." "Yes Ian?" I said. "Would you like to move in with me?" Ian asked nervously. I had a big big smile on my face and I shook my head and said "yes! Of course. I love you." "Great! I love you too Lucy." Being the gentleman he is , he payed for the dinner and then we walked out. We got Into his car and drove home. Once we got in the car he turned on the radio and put it on low volume. He reached over to my lap and relaxed his hand on my thigh. I took his hand and held it in mine. The whole way home we both had a smile on our face. Tonight was one of the best days of my life and I got to spend it with the man I love the most.

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next chapter will be up tonight.

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