Chapter 4

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Chapter four

“Brooklyn, Hon you have type 1 diabetes. Nick said with tears in his eyes. I let out a blood curtailing scream and all the doctors and nurses nearby rushed into the room. “What’s wrong, what happened?” the doctors asked. “She just got some bad news, I told her she had type 1.” Nick explained as I cried into his chest. The doctors nodded and left the room just as my brothers were coming in. “Brooklyn, are you alright sweetheart?” Kevin asked sitting down next to me. I shook my head and Nick held tighter onto me. “It’s going to be fine.” Joe said nervously.

“Nick can we speak with you out in the hall?” Kevin asked and I gripped tighter onto my brother. “No don’t leave me alone” I cried out. “I’m just going to be in the hallway, I’ll only be a minute.” Nick said trying to get me to release him. I finally let go after about five minutes of trying to get him to stay. Nick went into the hallway and I heard Nick telling the guys that I had type 1.

Nick came in after he talked to my brothers for a minute and lied on the bed next to me. I cuddled into his chest knowing I was safe from everything and fell asleep to the soothing voice of Nick singing to me.

That night I dreamt of my mom and dad and I saw them leaving. “The only reason we’re leaving is because of you. You are the worst kid a parent could want.” My mom said to my six year old self. “Mommy, tell me what I did wrong, I’ll do better.” I pleaded but they both continued to walk away. I sat on the curb and watched them leave. I sat on the curb all day and night and finally my fourteen year old brother Nick came out and found me. It was midwinter and I was in shorts and had short sleeves on. “Guys, I found her!” Nick screamed when we entered the house. My eighteen year old brother Kevin came running down the stairs quickly followed by sixteen year old Joe.

“Where was she?” Kevin asked frantically. “Outside on the curb, we need to get her warm.” Nick said running me upstairs and setting me in a tub of nice warm  water. “We’ll always be here for you sweetheart, and don’t you forget it.” Nick said.

I woke with a start as the last line rang through my head. “We’ll always be here for you sweetheart, and don’t you forget it.” I know they love and care about me so much but sometimes it’s so easy to forget. As soon as I had that dream all the memories came flooding back to me and I remembered every little detail after mom and dad left. Every song that was sung to me at bed, every hug, every kiss on the forehead. Everything.

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