chapter 5

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Chapter five

I got out of the hospital two days later after learning how to use me insulin pump. I signed myself out and walked to the parking lot only to notice no one was there to pick me up. I had no cell and the last place I wanted to be was back in the hospital. I walked the five miles back to my house. I tried to open the door but it was lock. I went to get the spare from under the place matt but that was gone too. I went to the back door and saw a note written in Joe’s hand writing. Went on tour be back in six months. Great, I thought as I started to walk the half mile to my school.

When I arrived at school I grabbed my phone out of my locker and called Nick. “Hello?” Nick answered. “Nick, I can’t believe you did the same thing mom and dad did. I thought you cared about me but this just shows you’re just like our parents. Nice knowing you but I don’t want anything to do you guys ever again.” I cried and hung up on my brother’s constant attempts to explain.

I through my phone into my locker and slammed it shut. I slid down to the floor and cried. “Brooklyn? Are you alright?” my creative writing teacher, Ms. Collins asked me. I shook my head and she helped me up. “What happened?” my teacher asked me. “I don’t want to talk about it.” I said to my teacher and she nodded. We walked to her office and sat for a while talking about my recent absence. 

Nick’s P.O.V 

We screwed up. “I’m going home you guys. I can’t perform right now.” I told my brothers and got onto the next plane to New Jersey. I called our phone company and had them track Brooklyn’s phone. I ran into the school and heard Brooklyn’s voice. I ran toward her voice and saw her talking with her favorite teacher. “Brooklyn, may I talk with you please.” I asked my sister as soon as I saw her. “If you’re here to apologize I don’t want to her it, Nicholas Jerry Jonas.” Brooklyn shouted at me and her voice made me cringe from how much venom was in it.

“I came back for you, to stay with you but you know what maybe it was a mistake. You obviously don’t want me around, so I’m sorry I tried to be here when you needed a big brother, a friend, someone.” I said and turned on my heal. I started to walk down the hall and I slowly counted to three. One… Two… Three… “Nick wait!” Brooklyn shouted and I turned on my heal. She ran into my open arms and I swung her around like a little kid. She squealed in joy as a smile spread across her innocent face. “I’m sorry for everything I said about you being just like mom and dad.” She said as her smile disappeared. “It was completely true, you had every right to say what you did.” I said and we went back to the house together.

“Night, bro.” Brook called over her shoulder. “It’s only three o’clock.” I yelled to her. She turned on her heal and walked back over to me. “I walked five and a half miles today. 5 from the hospital to the house and then half a mile to school because someone decided to go on tour and forget their baby sister in the hospital. May I have your phone for a minute.” she explained and I handed over my phone. She went upstairs with it and locked herself in her bedroom.  

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