chapter 12

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Chapter twelve

“Stop, Danger I called him on her phone, she had no idea.” Eponine lied. I was on the ground beaten and bloody as Danger started to make his way over to Eponine. The door to the car was still open so I screamed for help. Two people heard me and made their way over quickly. One just happened to be a police officer so when Danger went to slit my throat the cop put a gun to the back of his head. “Drop the knife!” The cop yelled. Eponine picked me up and carried me over to the road. 

“Call my brothers.” I said weakly and Eponine nodded. “Hello?” Eponine said into the phone. “Nick, it’s Eponine.” Eponine replied. “We’re the highway near exit 72.” Eponine said again. “North bound.” Eponine said. “See you.” Eponine said and hung up. Eponine sat down on the grass where I was and picked my head up setting it on her lap. “They’re on their way.” Eponine said right before I passed out from lose of blood.

I awoke in the hospital. I had a cast on my right arm and left leg. I had a broken nose and my face was covered in bruises. “Brooklyn, are you alright?” Nick asked when he saw my eyes open. “sore but better now I have my brothers with me.” I said with a grin plastered on my face. Nick hugged me and then walked in Eponine. When she saw I was awake she ran over to my bedside and hugged me. “How did you feel?” Eponine asked and I nodded.

That night everyone except Nick left. As Eponine was leaving I asked if she could bring my clothes in tomorrow and she said she would. “Nick, promise you wont leave me this time.” I begged and he crawled next to me so I could lay on his chest. “Never again.” And with that I fell asleep to the gentle singing of my brother.

*Two weeks later*

“Brooklyn, wake up.” Nick said gently shaking my shoulder. “No, bed time.” I whined into Nick’s chest. He giggled and swung me up into his arms. “Don’t you want to go home?” He asked laughing at my pouting face. My eyes shot open and I was placed back onto the bed. “Yes, of coarse I want to go home.” I quietly yelled. My leg had healed to where I only needed a brace and I got my cast off two days ago.

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