Changes After My Return (Steve)

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"Coming back in 3... 2... 1..."

"Where is he?"

In the moment of chaos, everyone suddenly went silent, speechless, as they realized who appeared in front of them.


Instead of Steve, Natasha appeared on the podium. It took a while before Bruce finally spoke, "Nat, you're back." He went near Natasha to examine her for injuries and when he found nothing he pulled her for a hug, "Nat you came back." Disbelief was evident from his voice but grateful nonetheless.

Sam also went to her. Tears was on his eyes as he welcomed her back while Bucky gave her a smile from a distance.

"Where's Steve?" Bruce finally asked.

Every second felt like an hour as Natasha took her time to answer the simple question. "Back where he wants to be." She said while holding onto the strength she has left, forbidding herself to breakdown in front of anyone. She then stepped off the podium and went to the cabin where Pepper, Tony and Morgan were probably waiting for Steve's return as well.

Natasha went inside expecting to see the complete family but she only saw Pepper and Morgan. "Hi?" She spoke to inform them of her presence.

Pepper turned to her, shock was painted all over her face. Frozen from where she was standing, she called out her name, "Natasha." A tear fell from the corner of her eye and she finally found the strength to approach her. Pepper held Natasha's shoulders, feeling her presence, making sure she was real. "You're real... you're here. God, Nat." She cried as she hugged her into which Natasha willingly reciprocated.

Wanda came in and saw Pepper and Natasha holding on to each other, she dropped whatever she was holding as she was trying to digest the scene in front of her. She brought her free hand to cover her mouth when Natasha turned her attention to the her.

Natasha smiled. Pepper gave them some time together.

"Wanda," she approached the young lady who still remained in a state of shock. "It's good to have you back." She then hugged her, she missed her so much, as much as Wanda misses her too. One of the closest person she was fighting so hard to get back was finally in her arms.

"It's me who's glad to have you back, Natasha." Wanda countered as she held on to her tighter. She cried in her arms and she let herself cherish the moment of having Natasha back, the sister figure she had all these years —even the mother figure at times.


Back in the lake, the three men were still waiting for Steve to re-appear on the platform. For a moment they thought he was not coming back, that maybe, Natasha really meant what she said.

Bruce and Sam looked defeated as if they lost yet another teammate, a leader, a friend, a family.

"Steve," Bucky silently called for him.

Steve was standing on the podium holding a black circular bag on his left hand.

"Man you scared me for a moment there, thought you really went fossil-ed." Sam joked as he step onto the platform to give Steve a hug.

"Has no one taught you to never scare someone like that?" Bruce chimed in, shaking his head in disbelief before he went back to the controls to power the machine off.

Steve led Sam to the near bench beside the lake, soon as they were in a distance from the others he handed Sam the bag he was carrying. Sam unzipped it and revealed the shield inside it.

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