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Note: I know this is a SteveNat fic but I cannot help but give small amount of each characters a little bit of story. Hope this wouldn't ruin the story even more.

And I got a comment about my grammar and spellings. I'm sorry if I have a lot of grammatically wrong sentences and misspelled words. 😓


Couple of weeks have passed and Steve got nothing on Natasha again. He comes more often to the compound now, not wanting to miss a chance of her coming for a visit.

"I found a way of bringing Vision back." Bruce in his Professor Hulk form announces excitedly.

Steve who's sitting on the couch looks behind him to meet Burce's eyes, "You we're doing what?"

"I was looking for a way to recreate Vision." he says silently making sure no one else hears them. "I know. I know what your thinking. And no, Wanda doesn't know yet." he sat down opposite Steve's, "I didn't want to give her false hope.". He pauses trying to make sense of what he's about to do, "I know I shouldn't, we thought creating him in the first place was a bad idea, it's not even like me to dwell on things like this." he stood up to get something to drink but before leaving he assures Steve one thing, "I'm not gonna do it without everyone's permission... especially Wanda's." he looks at Steve once more before retreating.

Steve, though doubtful, felt like something part of him will be filled in if Bruce will be able to recreate Vision, but he also knows deep down that it won't be the same Vision anymore. He sighs, just when he thought things will not get anymore complicated.


Natasha went to visit the compound the next day, after getting the news Bruce sent her about recreating Vision. She knows Steve will be there and she thought it'll take her more time to have the courage to face him again but guess it's easier now that it's not the first time seeing him since he left for his past.

At the compound, Bruce waited for those who are willing to discuss about recreating Vision. He sent everyone a message about the matter. Natasha left James with Peter who's not taking part of the discussion since he had not really spent time with Vision. Morgan was there too, with Peter and James at the compound.

Bruce came in first at the conference room. Rhodey came not long after, then Sam and Steve. Pepper is there as well together with Clint, Natasha and Wanda. Thor who was out of space wouldn't get the message in time, with that, everyone is there.

Wanda sat in between Clint and Natasha, those two have been protective of her from the very start. Steve and Sam who spent years with them on the run was showing obvious concern as well.

Bruce clears his throat before starting, "So, everyone knows why were here. And you might think I'm crazy for thinking of recreating Vision when the probability of it would be low." he emphasizes the last word, "But as most of you know, during the first war with Thanos." Bruce started to tap things on his laptop, and shows slides that will support his claims, "Shuri— when we were in Wakanda, Shuri got almost 'all' the data of Vision, before Thanos' minions came to attack her lab.".

He started pacing around as he continues, "I was hesitant at first... I started thinking about recreating Vision not too long ago. I started off figuring things out myself, and when I got half probability of getting things done..." He stood still and look at the Avengers seating in front of him, "I decided to contact Shuri and consult her with all this.".

Everyone was silent waiting for Bruce to continue. He then explained a few slides about how Vision was partly, Tony, him, Jarvis and etc., "Shuri was able to retrieve all the data she got on Vision. It's not gonna be a hundred percent Vision without the mind stone but with all this data, we could get as much closer as we can to get a perfect Vision.". He stops to focus on Wanda, "It will probably take time but I won't do it if you don't want me to." he's speaking mostly to Wanda, respecting whatever decision she makes.

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