After The Third Snap

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Pepper, together with Rhodey, Natasha and the kids arrived at Wakanda. They were met by the king himself, T'Challa, some of his Dora Milaje leaded by Okoye, and Shuri.

"Romanoff, its been like what? A year at most." they exchanged smiles and a hand shake as greetings. "And is this James?" he gestures towards James who's clinging onto Rhodey.

"Yeah.", Natasha gives him a half apologetic smile.

"May I?", T'Challa asks extending his arms open for James.

"Sure.", James as if he knows who the good guys are immediately opens his arms for T'Challa.

T'Challa carrying James in one arm and playing with his little hand on the other, "I'm sad after all we've shared together, I'm still not worthy of being informed of this big news and has to learn it from Okoye.".

Natasha smiles guiltily —not that T'Challa is counting the help he offered her and her team. "I know... I should've took advantage of the chance of having a royal treatment here." she comments back playfully.

"Just say you're a slow observer brother. I knew since she came here to visit when she was still on her early stage." Shuri proudly points out, to which Natasha just smiled.

Three months on her pregnancy when she first visited Wakanda after the battle with Thanos, after they got everyone back. Shuri being the good observer that she is, took notice. Natasha knew she did and they just shared a knowing smile but never spoke a word of it.

Okoye on the other hand was the only Wakandan Natasha had officially told. Being one of those she fought side by side with when Thanos and his army first came to earth and one of the few who was left and willingly helped her rebuild the world in those five years after the tragedy — they somehow have this special bond.

After a short greetings, Okoye stayed with the kids while Shuri went to inform Bruce of his team's arrival and is now in the intensive care unit.

"Hey there, ain't sleeping for about three years enough yet?" she moves closer to the person lying on a 'hospital-like' bed— but a lot more tech-advanced — "You're not planning on beating the Captain don't you?" she gave him her signature grin though he wouldn't see it, "Because I'm going to remind you, Pepper is really scary when she gets impatient." Pepper shoots her a glare, but didn't argue anyway. "Tony you better spare us another destruction." she smiles, hoping he'll at least hear her. And for the first time in her life, she's welcome for any sarcastic remarks Tony usually shoots back.

Tony rested his head to his right, seeming lifeless. Pepper finally let her tears fall soon as Tony shifted his gaze to nothingness. She didn't want Tony's last image of her to be in tears, pained, broken, she wants him to rest knowing she— their little angel, Morgan, Peter and the rest will be okay. That he has nothing to worry, they won and they'll be okay and that it's okay for him to finally rest.

Still holding on to Tony, pressing a kiss on his cheek, and rested her head on his shoulder, crying. For a moment, she's painfully accepting that this is the goodbye they'll share in this lifetime.

"It seems like Mr. Stark is fighting for his life." F.R.I.D.A.Y. spoke

Pepper pulled back a little, "What do you mean?"

"Mr. Stark's heart rate is unstable but it seems like he refuses to give up the little life he still has left." F.R.I.D.A.Y. responded.

"Get him to my lab.", Shuri orders, holding on to the tiny chance they have left of possibly saving him, some eyes shifted on to her, "Let's at least try.".

"A tiny chance is all we need." Stephen states, he saw this coming five years ago before he was dusted, but after this he didn't look further of what will happen next yet he's hopeful. He opens a portal straight to Shuri's lab as Shuri starts to move preparing everything she needs.

From where Tony is, Pepper didn't waste any second and stepped aside as Tony's body lifts in the air, slowly moving over and being laid on the operation table. Stephen followed instantly, ready to assist everything with all the knowledge, power and capabilities he have.

The portal closes and Wong opens another one that will lead Pepper and those close to Tony, somewhere outside Shuri's lab.

Natasha despite wanting to visit often, never really had the courage to. She's afraid she might ran into Steve who often visits as well, but now that she already got to meet him at the compound she doesn't have to be worried anymore.

Moments later Morgan can be seen outside the room Stark is in. Natasha, knowing it's prohibited to crowd over the room went out to give Morgan and Pepper all the time for their family.

"I'll go check on Bruce.", Pepper nods. Soon as Natasha left the room Morgan went in.

She sat down on the chair Natasha occupied a while ago, she holds her father's hand resting in front of her, "I miss you daddy... I love you... 3000.".

One, two, three— three seconds. It took three seconds before Tony's index finger to move slightly... and quick enough, that if you don't pay close attention you would've missed it. "Shit!", Morgan silently exclaims.

Pepper turned to her surprisingly, "Morgan!... baby, what did I tell you about that word?".

Morgan hesitantly took her eyes out of her father's hand hoping she'll see and feel it move again, she quickly looks at her mom, "Mommy, daddy's finger moved!". She sets her eyes on to her father's hand once again, just in time to see it move once more... twice as much now. Pepper saw it too.


Bruce is too busy to see someone come in from behind, "Hey Bruce, how's it going?". Natasha stood beside him to take a look. "Okay... I think this much is too much for my brain cells.", she raises a brow trying to get as much understanding as she could.

Bruce looks at her releasing a soft laugh, "I bet it is.".

Natasha turned to look at him, "You know I would instantly understand with just a little explanation here and there." she grins, "I'm still a lot smarter than Captain America with these things.".

Bruce shook his head ever so slightly, "Situation leads you to Steve from time to time...". He scrolled on his tab, multi-tasking, "yet you still don't have the courage to talk things out with him.".

Natasha rolled her eyes at that, "Oh God. I'm in Wakanda, far and away, yet I still get this talks.".

"Wherever you are...", he faces her, "things left unsolved will always find a way to follow you.".

"Sounds like you had enough experience." she gave him a smirk before turning back to take a seat on the corner.

"Guys... whatever unfinished business you have here I just want to let you know, Tony's up." Rhodes came in a rush to relay the good news. All their reflexes activated and hurried down to where Tony is.


The night later, Pepper was seating outside taking in the view in front of her. Natasha went out to join her, "He's gonna be okay.". She moves over to sit beside her, "He made it through snapping that infinity stones... this is nothing.".

Pepper smiles not even shifting her gaze, "I know... he didn't gave up two years ago... he won't now."

Natasha looks at the empty field in front of her as well, "Yeah, he's stubborn ass won't... not when two beautiful people he has are waiting.", she smiles a lot more hopeful now, realizing how rare 'real second chances' are.

'I guess I'm ready.', Natasha thought.

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