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I've marked the violence part with an emoji 😈 so that you can skip that part  if you feel uncomfortable and others please enjoy

Zhao Yunlan arrived at the hospital clad in expensive dark suit pants complimenting his skin tone a white printed handkerchief carefully tucked in his chest pocket making his appearance more eye-catching and alluring a cigarette hung loosely from his plump lips . His hair styled neetly and subtle hint of mustache and stubble multiplied his unique charm . The supervisor of the hospital was already standing outside to welcome him like any minute now he would be kowtowing like a eunuch to welcome the emperor. He smiled meekly ranting flattering words for Zhao Yunlan to hear . Zhao Yunlan took the last drag of his cigarette and entered the hospital few underlings following him including Chu Suzhi. It's been 2 weeks already he has been visiting that boy and he became a kind of celebrity here nurses squealing whenever he spared them some glances and winking here and there. Chu Suzhi rolled his eyes in annoyance. He turned his gaze towards the supervisor " How's the boy ?" Supervisor laughed nervously as he replied " Aiya this old age it's making me so forgetful these days ah hahaha that lad already woke up this morning most of the wounds has recovered we are keeping 24/7 watch for any complications may arise we will be able to treat him immediately but his legs will take some time ." "Hmm that's very sincerity on your part but I'm thinking why nobody informed me at exact time . Sorry supervisor I shouldn't blame you at your age it's truly difficult to remember things like this but next time don't hesitate ask me because I've got my hands on some amazing pills" Yunlan smirked showing a sneak peek of his gun to the supervisor . Supervisor broke out in cold sweat as he gulped nervously. Yunlan put a hand on his shoulder as he laughed loudly on his sick joke tear forming at the corner of his eyes. In the meantime they reached the private room . Supervisor opened the door and excused himself . Zhao Yunlan turned around glancing at Chu Suzhi " Chu you're gonna come with me and rest stand guard." As they entered Yunlan's gaze landed on the boy his head was bandaged and right hand, legs were plastered he was gazing outside absentmindedly , a sense of melancholy settled in Zhao's heart the boy looked like a bird imprisoned in a thorny cage , dark side of the society where jungle law rules. Zhao Yunlan will never admit to himself or others that he liked watching the boy sleeping , so innocent almost pure and etheral his long eyelashes casting a shadow and soft flow of wind from those parted petal like lips made him feel at peace . That young boy's fragile body is too much in contrast with those soul piercing unwavering eyes that he saw that day. Those ice cold eyes even haunted him in his dreams . These things intrigued him to no end , that boy looked like from a well off family but here he was living in a gutter crawling and clawing to live another day. Zhao Yunlan chuckled softly at his pathetic self as it was his first time thinking about something or someone so deeply for so many days which he didn't like at the least, in his profession attachment is weakness. Yunlan cleared his throat wanting to attract the attention of the boy . The boy turned towards him the afternoon ray of the sun casted a hallow around him illuminating his silhouette Yunlan's heart skipped a beat but he composed himself in seconds. " How are you feeling ?" Zhao Yunlan asked smiling softly. Silence prevailed as the younger one didn't reply. Zhao Yunlan continued without getting discouraged " The amount of blood you lost day I thought you will be in coma for months ." The boy suddenly asked in cold voice which is at the threshold of puberty which still had a hint of childishness " Why are you caring for me so much? It would have been enough for you to just keep me breathing What are you playing at?" Chu Suzhi got furious he wanted strangle that twig for being disrespectful towards Zhao Yunlan but Yunlan intercepted him midway and glared to stop his actions. Chu grunted in dissatisfaction but obeyed order nonetheless. The pale boy smirked and said curtly "So you are playing good cop bad cop with me now ?" Zhao Yunlan stood there taken aback by the boy's bold attitude and Chu shouted " This bastard has death wish." Zhao Yunlan repressed his anger as he ordered Chu to wait outside. Chu left glaring daggers at the little boy. "So kid how old are you ? Your body is not that much developed so I'm guessing in your teenage probably" Yunlan started again. The boy was reluctant to share his personal details but what can he do he can't run away in his condition so he complied " 14 years " .

Lust and Blood( A Weilan/Lanwei Story)Where stories live. Discover now