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Yunlan brought Shen Wei to his office Saehan investments(an: I suck at naming so I copied 😜) which was a 3 storey building with top notch facilities. Before leaving the car Yunlan turned around and started fixing Wei's tie and hair which was tied in half ponytail leaving some hairs loose all the while Shen's eyes never left Yunlan taking in all the details and expression of the man whom he longed for but can't have ... yet. Yunlan was admiring the clothes he bought for Shen so he missed the worshipping gaze of Shen Wei, now he understood why people say clothes make the man, that dark suit over a crisp white shirt although ordinary but was elevated to a new level when his Wei was wearing it. "No need to be afraid of anybody you just have to follow my instructions" Yunlan told Shen, who nodded in reply. After entering they met with Chu, Zhu Hong and others. Chu was quite surprised seeing the boy dressed up like a high rank official and Zhu Hong snorted watching a kid act like an adult. She intertwined her arms with Zhao and spoke up " What's up with a kid still in his diapers joining up our gang when he should be sucking mother's tit". Shen Wei was annoyed watching them so close but didn't let it show instead he said " Kids from the street tends to become adult pretty early" then he leaned down a little and whispered in Zhu's ear "I can even prove it by fu****g you I guarantee you will feel extremely good." Chu's eyes widened which wasn't a easy feat and Zhao Yunlan laughed aloud, Zhu Hong slapped him hard being embarrassed. Shen Wei grinned like a Cheshire cat and said shamelessly "I'll take it as a compliment." Zhu left the place fuming with reddened cheeks. After a feat of laughter Yunlan finally calmed down. He ruffled Shen's hair saying "Guess I don't need to be worried about you" before turning to Chu " Take him with you for training he needs to learn hand to hand combat also how to fire guns". Chu nodded respectfully in response. After saying this Yunlan left them. Chu signalled Shen Wei to follow him but he didn't comply immediately instead he followed Yunlan with his eyes as far as he could until he disappeared from his sight.

Yezun took a long look for the last time at his small little heaven, Daqing patted his shoulders from the side to remind him it's time to leave. Yezun smiled with teary eyes " Nana I guess It's time to say to good bye" he couldn't say anything anymore as his voice choked up with unvented anger and sadness. He took out an antique pocket-watch and waved it facing the house as if telling I'll keep your treasure safe, he never thought in his dream that one day he will be treasuring the watch like a blessing with which he used to tease his nana telling how rusty this thing was. He gave deep bows 3 times then resolutely turned around without looking back as he knew it will make him change his mind. He went to the park where he used to perform and left a letter addressed to Guo Chengcheng in a hole of the tree. Then he started his journey towards a future unknown with Daqing.

In the training dojo Shen Wei was beating each and everyone like rag dolls because his blood was still boiling, thinking about the morning's incident. He was annoyed to the maximum but which angered him the most was seeing her being so intimate with Zhao Yunlan as if they are lovers. Chu was standing at the side watching over the training -- this kid's stance and posture is good, Fighting technique is a little rusty but his agility and speed compensate that well, no wonder he survived this long he thought internally. Whispers started fanning out how the new kid insulted the queen of this office, and he is boasting his power by beating others etc. Zhu jiu spat out in anger thinking how Hong lost her face Infront of everyone. He stood up along with his gang and came forward. " It's very easy to fight one on one if you are so great why not fight all of us in one time" he said provoking. Shen licked his lips before smiling evilly, his eyes were red as if possessed which caused others to shiver. " Fine " it didn't matter to him if he was being overpowered as long as he could vent his anger by throwing some punches. Ten people surrounded him back and forth they started punching and kicking Shen Wei didn't engage in the brawl immediately he just kept dodging them, he sometimes side stepped sometimes back flipped as if he was executing a beautiful choreography but not a fight. He led those red eyed bulls by the nose like a professional matador and soon his tactics started working as those people started getting tired then started one sided massacre(not literally don't Panic friends 😂). Everybody was beaten black and blue but Zhu Jiu still remained standing he still got some fight left in him so they engaged in one on one battle but it ended with Zhu Jiu on the floor with Shen Wei's knees pressed on his throat while his arms were being twisted. Suddenly sounds of claps echoed in the room catching all their attention Shen turned his head abruptly and his face beamed up when he saw Yunlan clapping and looking at him with prideful eyes. His focus dwindled and Jiu grabbed this opportunity perfectly swinging a blade which was hidden in his hand guards, Shen hissed and blood started dripping down. Yunlan's eyes turned red in extreme anger his aura changed from joyful to a blood thirsty one in one instant still he didn't burst out, fingers clenching in a feast he slowly made his way towards Shen, sounds of his shoes kept reverberating making everyone cower. Shen Wei abruptly stood up in attention, Yunlan came close pinched his jaw between his fingers and observed his face then carefully wiped away the blood till no trace was left, satisfied he withdrew his hands but didn't use handkerchief but licked it instead. Then he spoke up while caressing Shen's silky dark hair and tucking some strands behind his ears " Shen Wei........ doll you know very well I hate it very much when others inflict damages to what belongs to me. I believe as a owner I should be the only one who can destroy it. So from now on don't be careless or I won't be merciful." It looked like it was directed to Shen but in truth it was a profound warning to those, present in here to let them know what will happen if they tried to harm Shen intentionally. " Take care of the aftermath Chu" he ordered and started to leave. Zhu Hong bowed down infront him and started begging " Please boss forgive my brother, he is a hot headed fool, I'll teach him well from now on please spare him". Zhu Jiu protested " Sister stop, that brat dared to humiliate you I'm going to fucking kill him". Zhu Hong slapped him hard and forced him to bow down. Jiu gritted his teeth in humiliation and anger while Hong kept begging. Yunlan dismissed them with a wave of his hand and exited the room without uttering any word. Shen Wei slightly bowed towards Chu and followed after Yunlan silently. Chu saw all these with knowing eyes and sighed helplessly thinking that the curse has begun.

Lust and Blood( A Weilan/Lanwei Story)Where stories live. Discover now