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Before starting this chapter I want to thank my friends JigyasaSharma2 and guardian_ace1 and STlakshmi and  and Hanna_optimist and Chinesedramas and MrmEll5 and Mumuksh and Shenwei_Priyaand Nan2281981Thanks for encouraging me and bearing with my sadistic streak of torturing the main characters😅 And the readers thanks for hanging in there .

" You annoying brat still sleeping happily without any care of the world huh and here I'm working like a slave 24 hours every day " Zhao Yunlan said as he was arranging some fresh flowers in Shen's room, his voice soft as if coaxing a naughty lazy child to wake up totally in contrast to his harsh words. " How long are you gonna sleep it's been more than two weeks already. My little doll is very stubborn and strong right, He isn't going to loose so easily right ? Besides you vowed your life to me in that case I should be the only one to take your life you aren't allowed to die by other's bullet" his voice turned colder and colder as the last spoken words left his lips while caressing Wei's hair then he bowed down to place a kiss on his forehead and oxygen mask which covered those pale petal lips. The setting sun casted an etheral hallow around Wei's body illuminating him, Yunlan gripped his hands tight as if any minute now Shen would spread his wings and fly away. It was midnight when blaring sound of heart monitor startled him awoke from his sleep immediately doctors and nurses burged in, before he could understand what was happening he was being pushed away from the room  he tried to free himself but the nurses cut him in " The patient is having heart attack please cooperate sir". These words immediately froze him amidst his struggle "Wha.....what? No let me stay I promise I won't be in your way". They left without replying Zhao.

" 3 2 1 ready ?" Electric shock buzzed through Shen's body one after another Yunlan could not take it anymore he left the room stumbling and slid down on the floor outside clutching his head in fear anxiety and desperation.His inner voice spoke up

What happened to you ? : I'm afraid

Why ? : I might loose him

So ? : I don't want to loose my pawn

You can get another one: No I don't want to

Why ? You can create many more just like him : I can't get another one like him

And why so ? : He sincerely cares about me

And you ? : I'm not sincere. I'm a coward

So start being sincere before it's too late

After listening this Zhao could not hold back anymore and broke down in tears he doesn't want to re-live this nightmare again. He doesn't know what happened after that as he was being woken up by a nurse's call " Mr.Zhao are you ok ?" Zhao nodded in reply and asked " The patient ?"
" Patient's life is out of danger" The nurse replied. " That's good that's good " Zhao said relieved. " Mr. Zhao you look pale I would advice you to have a check up from the doctors here " The nurse spoke up. " No it's enough for today for me at the hospital I'll be going home for now " with that said Zhao left without looking back.

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