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Han Chan was sipping tea while standing at the balcony watching the night sky in silence, the cold wind caressing his face gave him a much needed ground to his wondering thoughts as he was recalling today's events. It was a tiring day as always but it became intolerable after he was informed that one of the convict of attempted rape case got bailed out due to the connection with the higher ups. He could remember every details of the incident that transpired today, the words of flattery spilled from the mouth of that useless section chief for that criminal just because he was someone from the prestigious family, the mocking smile on that hooligans face and the insulting words that was said to him as reprimand

" You crossed your boundaries today "(Chief)

" I did what was right."(HC)

"Are you arguing with me ? Are you going to teach me about my duties now ? A rookie like you ? That's it I'm done with your arrogance I'm going to lodge a complaint against you in the headquarters don't think just because you are a top student you will go unscathed "
his brows furrowed in annoyance thinking all this. He left no stones unturned to gather evidence so that he could put that scum behind the bar and bring the girl to justice, who must have been traumatized for her whole life. He banged the railings of the balcony as his anger started boiling up. Then those soul piercing eyes surfaced in his mind which he saw this evening. He couldn't understand how those eyes which looked so innocent devoid of any impurities could turn so cold and calm as if devoid of emotion. When he heard the sounds of commotions He thought finally he could let out some steam but he froze in silence when he saw that boy attacking and dodging precisely like a professional and overpowering the other perpetrator until that man started attacking with knife, he had no choice but to fire otherwise someone would be terribly wounded in his watch. Both stopped startled and in an instant that boy's aura changed from a cold ruthless to an amicable one as if what he saw first was nothing but an illusion. He knew youngsters of his age are rebellious and do many stupid things to prove themselves but he didn't seem like them nor did he seem like a lackey of any underground organization, although he would be lying if he denied the fact that the boy looked suspicious. So he decided to  accompany him so that he could observe and pry out some details. It wasn't surprising to him that the boy's mannerisms and temperament were quite mature, enhanced with elegance which couldn't be hidden even when the said boy was wearing casual clothes it was a obvious sign of good upbringing so his question was that how much a teenager like Yezun had to suffer to have such calmness even when he was facing a knife. Han Chan also didn't miss the mischievous smile or the melancholy that fleeted through his eyes when his family was mentioned although that boy hid it with a smile very smoothly. To tell the truth Yezun was quite a paradox and he was sure it's something that was related to his family. It's not that he faced someone like Yezun for the first time but it's the first time he felt interested about someone so much and now that he got suspended for a week he would indulge himself freely.

When Yezun finally got home he met with an angry Ling Jin with his arms crossed over his chest. Jin scoffed " Huh ! So you finally remembered your way home ? I thought you might be dead after having too much fun." Yezun didn't get angry with the remarks instead he grinned because he knew that the boy here just have poisonous tongue but his heart is like cotton candy and he found it adorable. " Yeah I did and also missed you brother Jin" Yezun replied showing his bandage and watched amusingly when Jin's mocking expression turned into a worried one. That's when Daqing jumped in the conversation "So did you save some damsel in distress ? Quick quick tell me that some juicy stuff happend after that or I will die from boredom, staying alone with Jin can be extremely torturous for brain you know."    "As if you have one " Jin countered. " What nonsense you idiots are spouting ?" Grandpa ling scolded after watching their useless bickering. "Yezun come inside and wash up quick we will talk after having dinner and you two prepare the table" grandpa Ling commanded sternly before leaving. After dinner was over Yezun explained what happened. After hearing everything Mr. Ling sighed " You know Yezun you hurt me today". He continued after seeing Yezun puzzled " Money is important of course but not more than your safety. You made me feel like an outsider. I know you feel indebted to me and always like to keep distance but I consider you as my own since you started staying with us. I love you and Daqing both as I love Jin. So please reconsider your priorities". " I know and I'm sorry " Yezun replied softly. " And if that officer comes introduce me I'll like to thank him myself" Mr. Ling left After patting his head.

The next day Han Chan decided to visit the cafe. At first glance he quite liked the unique concept of the establishment, it had both enclosed and open air planning making it suitable for both youngsters and elders but when he entered the cafe he fell in love with the homely atmosphere no wonder the cafe was fully packed even though it was so early in the morning.

"So you decided to come " Yezun said to draw the officer's attention with an amiable smile on his face.

" What you didn't want me to come ?"(HC)

"It's not that I just thought that you won't have any time for being busy with your duty."(SY)

" It happens to be that I have some free time and also a coupon for free coffee then why should I waste it?"

Yezun smiled and said "Is this place of your liking then ?"

" Yeah I was admiring the view you got a nice cafe here I like the ambience " Han Chan spoke with a subtle hint of smile on his stern face.

Yezun smiled more brilliantly. " You should tell that to the old man he would be more happy to know if you say this directly to him"

"So what will be your Order sir ?"Yezun said guiding him to a place to sit down.

"Black coffe"

"Anything else ?" Yezun asked

"No nothing "

Yezun excused himself after taking the order and Han Chan started observing the people working here and the surroundings. There's not many employees just two other youngsters of the same age as Yezun and there's nothing suspicious about this establishment, from the range of customers coming here he could easily deduce that everyone more or less is from this locality. Finally his coffee came pulling him out from his reverie.

"What's these sandwiches for?" (HC)

"Please, this is a little token of gratitude for saving my grandson here" an older voice interrupted him.
" I'm glad that you liked our little cafe here" he continued and excused Yezun sensing that the police officer had many things to say.

" I think you guessed my purpose here" Han Chan said calmly looking at the old man while sipping his coffe.

" I like your straight forward attitude. Yes I guessed it and the boy also could sense it when you came here."(Mr. Ling)

Han Chan raised his eyebrows quite interested.

Mr. Ling continued " So I'm going to be straight forward with you also he lived in X city before coming here. His guardian died in an accident and something happened which made him leave that place but I assure you he is a good kid nothing suspicious."

"I'm not suspicious about him just interested. He is an excellent fighter totally different from a reckless teenager of his age. Did you know about it too ?"(HC)

"I met him and his friend when he saved my grandson, he would've been terribly wounded if not for them" although a little surprised but he still vouched for Yezun.

Han Chan hummed seemingly unconvinced.

Lust and Blood( A Weilan/Lanwei Story)Where stories live. Discover now