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Yaqing didn't deny nor affirm she questioned Shen Wei instead to see what this kid will do because for awhile now she has been quite intrigued about this new character.

Shen Wei nodded affirmatively and said " You have beautiful eyes "

Yaqing faltered shattering her calm expression, she expected anything but a praise. She thought Shen Wei will scream and shout at her hurling abuses but his reaction puzzled her.

Shen Wei shifted his gaze towards the window ignoring her and continued
" Those eyes made quite impact on me, it was too beautiful, it was so beautiful it makes me want to carve them out of your eye sockets and preserve them. The predatory twisted joy of hunting and cornering the prey , it was so vivid in your eyes it's still giving me chills".

Shen Wei spoke everything in such manner like he was speaking of something random daily life affairs before turning his face towards Yaqing and smiling innocently.

Yaqing stunned stood there for few seconds then composed herself quickly. She slowly walked towards the hospital bed, her leather boots making crisp sounds with a foreboding feelings. She stopped next to the bed, bending down slightly she came face to face with Shen and gazed deeply at his eyes. She sneered before speaking in a unhurried mocking tone " Oh is that a threat ? Seems like little kitten is mad at me for trying to kill him ?"

"No" Shen replied " I would have ignored you if it was about me."

Yaqing raised her eyebrows curiously.

" Next time if you try to pull such stunts, do it before it involves Zhao Yunlan's life otherwise consequences will be dire" Shen uttered in a calm voice but it couldn't hide the ruthlessness.

Yaqing's eyes widened in surprise . By now she lost count of how many times this brat stunned her speechless within these few minutes of their conversation. She never imagined that the boy who was at death's door worried about Zhao Yunlan disregarding his own life. She thought to herself is this kid really speaking the truth but then again she saw most of it with her own eyes , the tenacity and perseverance of the boy and his loyalty towards Zhao was remarkable. Then was she wrong to think that the little one must have guessed the person behind the attack earlier. If that is what it is she wanted to pry open how much Shen knows, if she found out Shen doesn't know anything she would give him a hint because she wants to rattle Shen Wei to the core and relish the suffering of the kid caused by the news.

Yaqing smiled brilliantly towards Shen Wei whose indifferent cold gaze is getting on her nerve. She slowly stood up and said " it's fine" then she paused before continuing " but also remember that I'm nothing but a mere pawn " at the end of the sentence her lips hooked up in mocking sneer.

Shen Wei was neither blind nor deaf to the provocative words of Yaqing and it's under- lying meaning . It was obvious what she wanted to say is that Shen can't blame her for anything if he wants to then he should blame her master - Zhao Yunlan.

Shen's abyss like gaze hid the myriad of emotions going through his mind. Without blinking his eyes he deeply gazed at Yaqing and said each word with great determination " So am I . I'm also a mere pawn " then he paused Cheshire like grin adorned his lips as he continued " But not for long."

From Shen's words it was crystal clear that not only he knew it was Zhao Yunlan who ordered the attack but also it was justifiable because as long as Shen lives his life belongs to Zhao. Yaqing could not smile anymore this wasn't the reaction she wanted or expected. She was infuriated to the extreme for losing her face to a new kid. She stomped and turned around deciding to leave.

" I'm not done yet " Shen stopped her.

"What now?" Yaqing asked irritated.

" You owe me for endangering Boss's life " ( Shen)

" Then what do you want ?" (Yaqing)

" Train me. Be my teacher, you are skilled I want to learn from you." ( Shen)

" Why would I ?" ( Yaqing)

" Because I said so " ( Shen)

Sonorous laughter filled the room as Yaqing could not stop herself. This is becoming more and more interesting she thought. Everyday living a life full of blood and death she was getting bored but now this kid's presence can be very refreshing .

" We will see " saying this she left the room

After exiting the room she cursed Shen under her breath devil with an angel's face.

Daqing held Yezun and shook him hard to wake him from his nightmare. Yezun looked at him still in trance as if his soul was scattered but the next moment he clutched onto him and broke down in bitter sob. He just kept repeating the  same words " I saw gege. Gege is angry with me." Daqing patted his back soothingly as he said " It's just a nightmare , it's just a nightmare." Lin Jing felt awful he never saw Yezun like this, he felt useless because he didn't know what to do in such situation. He didn't know anything about Yezun's past he didn't even tried to know. He mentally slapped himself and berated what kind of brother was he. Finally when Yezun calmed down a little Lin poured him some water and made him drink maybe Yezun was too exhausted he dozzed off in Daqing's hold after drinking two gulps. Daqing carefully laid him down and tucked him as he turned around he met Lin Jin's questioning gaze . Daqing sighed and massaged his temple then spoke in a tired tone " it's too late we'll talk in the morning " saying this he laid down in his bed . Lin Jing could not get any information so he did the same.

Lust and Blood( A Weilan/Lanwei Story)Where stories live. Discover now