Chapter 8: Markov

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"What is reality, anyway? I always thought that what I loved and what I fought for was the answer... But now I see everything with new eyes. All those things that I firmly believed got shattered, like glass... What do I do? Shall I pick up the pieces and hurt my hands? Or shall I search for something else? Or maybe, create something else?"

Sam P.O.V

So, here I am: writing a poem.

I didn't expect to do this kind of stuff, but I guess it's something "literature" themed. I could try to make one, but I'm not sure about what exactly... I look at my surroundings, trying to get an idea...

But nothing...

Sam: Agh, come on... You have something inside of you to make it a poem, right?

But no.

No matter how hard I think, the ideas don't flow...

I look at the paper once again, and again, and again...

A poem, a poem, a poem...

A poem!

Yeah, I think I finally got an idea... I just hope it doesn't look so bad...

I pick up my pen.

----- - the next day - -----

Once again, the bell rings, waking me up from my nap, advising me that it's time to pack my stuff for the club meeting.

But, I can't simply stop thinking about the strange things that happened to me. They just appeared just like they vanished: from nowhere... Should I worry about it? Is there something I'm not able to see? And, why are my memories untouched?

Sam: —!

I turn around surprised, looking at Yuri in the same mood.

Yuri: A-Ah, I'm sorry! It's just, you look focused, b-but the meeting is close, I-I didn't mean to scare you! Uhhh...

Sam: It's okay. I'm fine.

As it seems, she touched my shoulder while I was thinking... So, this is how being scared of nowhere feels, huh?

Sam: Do you need anything?

Yuri: Well, I wanted to thank you for all the help you gave me yesterday. Not many people act like that with me... It's nice of you.

Sam: No prob Yuri. It was a pleasure to help. Anyway, shall we go to the club now?

Yuri: Oh, y-yeah! We should!

We grab our bags and make our way to the club once again. This is the second day in the literature club for me and my bro. The first day was a little bit weird with Mac coming with us and the strange events that happened but looks like everything it's more normal for now... I just hope it all stays like that.

I open the door for Yuri to get inside. Natsuki, Sayori, Irus, and Monika were already in, but no signs of Mac yet.

Sam: Sup, a new day starts huh?

Sayori: Indeed! I'm so happy to have so many members here! And, sorry if we let you aside with Mac... It's just, he never joined a club before...

Sam: It's okay, you're happy for seeing him interacting with people, am I right?

She looks surprised at me.

Sayori: Yes! You did an accurate description! You're really smart!

I pat her shoulder softly.

"A Tale made of Poems" A DDLC & Undertale crossover [ENG] Where stories live. Discover now