Chapter 9: Time For Poems

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Sam P.O.V

Now it's time for us to share poems...

Everyone is already with their respective poem in their hands, including me. Mac is sharing his poem with Sayori, Natsuki with Irus, and Yuri with Monika. Guess I'll just wait for someone to come with me, guess...

I sit at my desk while looking once again at my poem. Honestly, I don't know if it will be a good one, but I guess it's something. I mean, I never did this kind of stuff before, yes, I read books and wrote texts, but nothing special, like poetry, just documents and taxes...

But inside I'm not nervous. I just want this to end kinda quick... Not because I don't like it, it's because I need to investigate this world... I feel deep inside that something might happen, that all this "anime kawaii" thing it's wrong... I don't know... But, as long as I'm here, I'll protect my brother. I won't let anyone hurt us again...

I look around again, noticing that Sayori is walking towards me, smiling.

Sayori: Hey Sam! So, you don't mind if we exchange our poems?

Sam: Of course not, after all, this is what we're here today, don't ya?

Sayori: Yup! And I'm super excited about this! Here, have mine!

She lively gives me her poem...


"Dear Sunshine"

The way you glow through my blinds in the morning
It makes me feel like you missed me.
Kissing my forehead to help me out of the bed.
Making me rub the sleepy from my eyes.

Are you asking me to come out and play?
Are you trusting me to wish away a rainy day?
I look above. The sky is blue.
It's a secret, but I trust you too.

If it wasn't for you, I could sleep forever.
But I'm not mad.

I want breakfast.


Sam: Well, I have to say, I relate.

She looks confused at me, tilting her head to the side.

Sayori: Relate to what?

Sam: Relate to sleep. And sleep... And...

I start to close my eyes slowly, on purpose, pretending I'm falling asleep, making Sayori giggle a bit.

Sayori: Hey, you need to be awake!

Sam: Heheh, it's okay, I'm just messing with ya. But, hey, congrats on making your poem in time, even if you were late.

Sayori: You noticed it too!? Aww, now everyone will too...

Sam: It's okay, to be honest, I also forgot to make mine and I ended up doing it late at night.

Sayori: Oh! About your poem! It's my turn to see it~!

I chuckle a bit and give it to her.

Sam: Alright, alright, here it is.


"a poem"

this is a poem.
nothing too special really
just words on paper
words with thought
words with meaning
words that can convey any emotion
words that can do whatever you want them to
ups and downs
lefts and rights
words that can be a rollercoaster
words that can toy with your emotions
but at the same time

"A Tale made of Poems" A DDLC & Undertale crossover [ENG] Where stories live. Discover now