Chapter 3

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"Who the hell is Hitoshi Shinso?"
Shigaraki held my hand tightly as I started looking back down the corridor; through the windows in the doors.

"That kid with the purple hair that looks like eraser-head,"

"Ohh! He's downstairs."

"Show me where. Now"

"Alright; first keeping my hoodie and then ordering me around, you're making me wanna show my liking for you in front of the others,"

He kept his grasp on my hand and lead me out through the bar and down a set of stairs that I was surprised I missed.

The lower floor was dark. The few lights that were dotted around weren't strong, and there were no windows so no natural light came in. The floor was damp too, so it smelled kind of gross.

We stopped in front of one of the rusty metal doors; I assumed he'd thrown the kid in there. I unintentionally stepped closer to him in an attempt to see through the dirty little window in the door. In doing so I didn't realise that he'd sneakily put his arm around my waist.

"Tomura stop. This is serious,"

"No, as soon as you step foot in there it's serious. Out here it doesn't matter."
He took a step forward and and put both hands on my waist. He was behaving the same he did the night before when he dragged me into his room. He started pulling me closer, I pushed against his chest in some effort to push him away; that effort was to no use however as he was just stronger than me.

He kept trying to push himself against me, making me back away from him to the point where he just pinned me to the wall behind me. 

He leaned in and buried his face in the crook of my neck. His breath was warm against my skin.

"Maya...we should come down here more often,"
I sighed and started stroking his hair as he nibbled away at me. I knew he'd get to a point where he'd become so invested by his action that I could push him off me.

A good few minutes later it'd finally gotten to the point where I could shove him off me.

"Tomura... hey...stop!"
He glared at me as I held my arms out to keep him at a distance.

"You weren't complaining when I started doing that,"
He held onto my arms and tried to step closer.

"You were too busy trying to fucking eat me to notice my eye rolls,"


Toga screamed at me as she entered her room.

I had managed to escape Shigaraki's clingy-ness and hide in Toga's room, where I was supposed to be staying the whole time.

"Where the hell have you been? I've had to go out on missions and killing sprees by myself! I was actually worried! ME! WORRIED!"
She loomed over me on her sofa glared daggers at me.

"Well if you let me speak I'll tell you,"
She backed off a little and let me sit up.
"Shigaraki's been hoarding me away from everyone."

"I'm aware of that. You're wearing his hoodie,"
I rolled my eyes at her as she continued frowning at me.

"Wait. You didn't did you?"

"...didn't what?..."

"You're blushing! You did! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh you did it with Shigaraki ewww!"

"Toga I have no idea what you're going on about,"

"Uh, yeah, you do,"
I stared up at her in utter confusion.
"Oh wow you really don't, okay;"
She came over and sat down on the other end of her sofa and faced me, all serious.

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