Chapter 5

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***just a warning that this chapter mentions rape so if you're sensitive to that then I suggest skipping ahead***

Toga screeched when she returned from her killing spree.

Music was booming.

Drinks were flowing.

Everyone was having fun.

I'd managed to persuade Shigaraki to let me throw a party for Shinso. Almost everyone was dancing and everyone except Kurogiri was drunk. I'd also convinved Dabi to bring his guy friend along.

They were currently making out in the corner.

A positive mood filled the room, people being drunk to point where they were telling each other how much they loved them did that.

I was stood somewhere near a speaker dancing the night away with my best friend. At some point Toga started snogging Twice in front of everyone, so we started cheering for them. When I cheered, I stood with my arm over Shinso's shoulders and with his hand resting on the small of my back.

Shigaraki saw us trying to keep each other upright and came into a fit of drunk jealousy.

Once the others had stopped cheering he took his hand off his face and stormed over to us; tearing me from Shinso's arms and shoving him away from me.

"Tomura! What are yo-"
Before I could finish my question he'd decided to stick his tongue down my throat.

"Get off!"
I shouted at him as I shoved him away. I could feel everyone's eyes on me.

He took a few steps forward and grabbed my waist, tightly. He leaned in and just as he was about to say something the lights went out.

All that could be seen was the dim glow Kurogiri gave off and the sparks that Dabi accidentally threw onto that Keigo guy as they continued to play tonsil-tennis.

Shigaraki's grip softened, but he moved closer. I put my hand on what I found to be his chest; I could feel his heart beating faster.

Was he scared?

Soon enough the lights flickered back on and Shinso was nowhere to be seen.

"Where did he go?"
Shigaraki held me closer to his chest. Worry filled my mind as thoughts of losing my best friend for good started to accumulate.

"It doesn't matter we'll find him later,"
He drunkenly spat, shoving his face into the crook of my neck like he liked to do.

"It does matter! I lost him when I left and now I'd got him back he's gone again!"

"Could we at least wait until tomorrow?"
He rested his head on my shoulder and stared up at me with his hazy red puppy eyes.

I had to consider this for a few minutes, as I'd remembered how drunk everyone was. I thought it'd be better to send  villains that were slightly hungover and drugged up on pain-killers than villains that were fully smashed off their heads.

I begrudgingly replied as I was slowly dragged off into our room.

It was kind of strange to call it our room. I'd never lived with anyone before, so this was sort of new.

Shigaraki demanded; his voice slightly deeper than before.

I wandered over to the window and peered out. It was pitch black; it must've been hours past midnight.

"Sit down. Right now,"
When I'd turned around he was right in front of my face. T he scent of the whiskey he'd been drinking flowing up my nose.

I replied smugly as I sank to the floor and crossed my legs. I hadn't drunk as much as everyone else; so I was still my annoying, smart-ass self.

I was happily smiling up at him when he threw his foot into my stomach with force I didn't know he possessed. I clutched my stomach in pain and looked up at him.

"What the fuck was that for?"
I wheezed out as he grinned down at me sadistically.

"Not listening to me,"
He reached down and pulled me up by my arms. He lifted me up and practically threw me onto the bed; his grin still plastered across his face.

"What are you doing Tomura?"
He didn't answer. He leaned over me as I attempted to move backwards; pain still wrenching in my stomach.

I kept asking what he was trying to do. Calling his name to try and snap him out of whatever trance he'd gotten himself into. It didn't work though.

I'd reached a point of nearly falling off the bed. He was still hovering over me, grasping tightly onto my wrist and one of my thighs.

He wasn't listening to me. I was getting scared. Scared, and annoyed.

He wasn't listening to me.

At all.

Fucking hell.

I tried a final time before I snapped.

I yanked my wrist out from his grasp and sent my fist flying into his face.

He flew backwards onto the bed, finally snapping out of it.

"What the fuck?!"
He shouted as he tried to stop the blood leaking out of his probably broken nose.

"You deserve that you shitbag!"

"What the fuck did I do, you bitch?"

"You kicked me for no reason and it looked like you were trying to fucking rape me!"


"You heard me. I'm going out. Don't look for me,"

And with that, I left him sat on the bed covered in his own blood, trying to figure out how he'd upset me.

But to be honest I didn't care. Not at that point. I was going out for the first time in ages.

I was going to find Shinso.

And there was nothing he could do about it.


made my way through the bar, dodging as many drunken declarations of love for me as possible. People were starting to fall asleep now, Toga and Twice had managed to become entangled within one another on a sofa. And Dabi and Keigo were still going strong in their corner.

I stood in the doorway and looked back at the scene. I surveyed the room one more time to check that Shinso had definitely disappeared.

When I was sure he wasn't in the bar I checked his room downstairs. It was empty aside from the furniture and a certain persons vandalised hands.

I stepped out of the door into the night air. It was chilly but not too cold. I pulled my hood up and started looking for traces of Shinso wherever I could.

I didn't get too far; hero patrols have increased massively in the last couple of years. When I was at U.A I felt safer. Now I hate that I helped make this possible.

I'd snuck down an alleyway to avoid Eraserhead and his partner with the weird banana hair and when I turned to continue walking, I came face to face with someone familiar.

A man with short brown hair and a mask that resembled a bird's beak covering his mouth stood before me.

"Maya? What're you doing out here?"

"Looking for Hitoshi."

"You want help?"

"I'd say yes but I know that there's always a catch with you,"
He looked at me knowingly for a moment.

"You're not wrong, but I have seen him..."


"I'll tell you if you do me a favour first."
I rolled my eyes at him.

There was always a catch with this guy.

"No favour later,"
I grabbed him by the collar of his stupid jacket and pulled him closer.
"You help my find Shinso first."

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