Backstory 5: Kami and Shinso

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Shinso's P.O.V
Maya was sat with me in my dorm like always. We sat in comfortable silence as I built up the courage to tell her what had been plagueing my mind for hours.

"You good there Toshi?"
She asked, making me jump a little as she glanced up from her phone.

"I...yeah...I just, there's something I need to tell you, I need to get it off my chest,"

"Okay shoot,"
She put her phone down and turned to look at me. I was more nervous for this than I should've been.

"May I think I'm bi."
She looked at me for a second as she processed what I said.

"Okay. Cool. Which guy made you realise that?"
This is why Maya was my best friend. She was intuitive. She understood exactly what I was talking about and how that train of thought came about.

"Uh, I don't think I wanna tell you that..."

"Why? Was it Neito? It was, wasn't it?"

"No it wasn't Monoma, it's gross that you'd even think that."

"Who was it then?"

"Kaminari. He kept flirting with me and for a while I ignored it but then he sat and spoke to me this morning and stuff got real deep and well, yeah,"

"Wow, Kami? Really? I mean, he's bi and flirty as hell but I never would've thought-"

"I never thought that either. Look, May I just needed to tell someone can we drop it now?"

"Okay, okay. I'm happy that you trusted me enough to come out."
She gave me a smile and a little hug before leaning onto the wall behind us and returning to her phone.
"Don't electrocute yourself when you make out,"

She shuffled away from me as I leant over her, my face flushing a bright pink.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry don't brainwash me!"

We were mid tickle-fight when Maya's phone literally exploded with sound. The contact 'Blasty <3' showing on her screen.

"Hey can I answer?"
I asked her. I liked annoying Bakugo, aka her current man.

"No, get off; hey blasty what's up?"
She kept swatting at me as she spoke to Bakugo, I made sure he could hear that I was there; he got crazy jealous and it was hella funny to watch.

"Yes, I'm with Shinso.
No I'm not cheating on you with him.
I mean yeah you can join us but I don't think you'll feel any better,
Okay yeah,
Yeah bring Kami too I wanna try something. Okay bye,"
I looked at her in disbelief at what I'd gathered from her conversation.

"Bakugo is coming here. And bringing Kami. I absolutely hate you."
I got up and stood in the doorway to my bathroom, trying to hide my blush.

"Actually, he swapping me for Kami,"
My face went pale. Though my blush miraculously stayed.

"That's it,"
I went into my bathroom and turned on the tap in my bath.
"Where's my toaster?"

"Toshi no! I just want you to be happy!"
She sprung up and enveloped me in her arms.

"I can be happy without you and your angry pomeranian boyfriend intervening!"

"I'm sorry Toshi. We can stay if you want-"
There was a knock on my door.

"No it's okay. I'll deal with it somehow,"
I said as I opened the door.

"Mini aizawa,"
I scowled at him and he scowled back.

"Hey Hito!"
Kaminari piped up. I felt blood rush to the surface of my face.

"Hey Kami..."
I avoided his gaze and scratched the back of my neck as Kaminari came into my room and Maya left, straight into Bakugo's arms. They'd not been together long, so it was all hugs and funny-smelling hand-holding.

I waved goodbye to my friend and closed the door. I collapsed on my bed leaving Kaminari to perch awkwardly on the end of it.

"Are, are you okay there Hito?"
Kaminari warily asked.

"No, my best friend and her explosive boyfriend betrayed me,"
I mumbled into my pillow.

"Uh okay... did you wanna go get some coffee or something?"
I instantly sprung up from my bed at the mention of coffee.

"Coffee yes. What a great idea Kami."
He blushed a little as I pulled him up off the bed.

"Dude call me Denki,"
He said just as I began literally dragging him out of my dorm and along the corridor.

He babbled on about nonsense all the way there. When we reached the place I stopped with him before entering,
"Denki, I really like you, but dear god, shut the fuck up,"
He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck, blushing.

"Hehe, sorry man, I guess I'm just nervous,"

"Why would you be nervous? You've been around me for who knows how long,"
I asked as we went in and queued up to order.

"Mmm... bakugo said that we were going on a date... I wasn't sure if I should believe him or not."

"Huh. What a wingman."

"Huh? You're okay with this being a date?"

"I meant it when I said that I liked you. It's obvious that you like me dude,"
He went bright red just as we were called up to order. Large black coffee and a chocolate milkshake. He looked endlessly happy when it was brought over.

"This was fun dude. We should do this again,"
He said, taking a massive slurp of his shake before realising what he said and turning into a tomato.

"Did you just accidentally ask me on a second date?"

"I...uh...I guess...would that be a bad thing?"
He asked slowly.

"Nah. Another coffee date would be fun, text me later,"
I said before scribbling my number on the back of his hand and rushing off to my dorm.

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