Chapter 13

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"Dabi. Wasn't expecting you here."
I said as I leant back on the door.
"How did you find us?"

"Nice to see you too. I was loitering nearby, saw a group of people and though I'd follow them; maybe mug them. But then I saw you and the purple one take your hoods down and go in here."
I threw my head back against the door. I was so fed up, I just wanted this day to end.

"Does anyone else know where we are?"
He brought a box of cigarettes out of his pocket, removing a single paper cylinder before replacing the box and bringing out a lighter.

"What about me makes you think I'll snitch on my oldest friend?"
He held the cigarette between his lips and attempted to light it.

"Please tell me why you of all people need a lighter,"
He looked up at me, slightly annoyed.

"If I use my quirk it'll disintigrate the cigarette and scar me for no reason... can you uh...thanks,"
He said as I used my slightly less powerful quirk to light his cigarette, a plume of smoke flowing into the sky as he breathed out.

"Why are you here Dabi?"
I crossed my arms over my chest and watched as he continued to contribute to our planet's polluted atmosphere.

"Well, I was around when you called dry lips earlier so I heard that you weren't coming back tonight. I also heard the conversation you had with your friend about whether or not you made a good choice joining us; so I put 2 and 2 together and figured out that you wouldn't be coming back any time soon,"
I looked at him as he avoided my gaze. He was smart, I'll give him that. But that didn't clear up why he was here.

"Okay but that doesn't tell me why you're here,"
He blew out a cloud of smoke before answering,

"If you aren't coming back, and you guys are leaving like you said you would; then I wanna come with you,"

"Genuinely? Shigaraki didn't put you up to this?"
He held his smoking cylinder with 2 fingers and leant back on the railing.

"Genuinely. Hell I'll fuck up Shigaraki's life as much as I can if it shows you that I'm not lying,"

"Hell yeah. I'll somehow contact you soon. Good luck fucking with chapstick; I'm done with him by the way, just don't tell him that."
And with that, he sauntered off and out the building, swept up by Keigo when he reached the road. I leant on the door after closing it behind me, somewhat shook by what just happened.

"Who was that?"
Kami asked, taking his attention away from Shinso for a split second.

"Uh, Dabi..."
The heroes' eyes shot in my direction.

Tenya almost shouted, racing over to interrogate me.

"It's okay he's an old friend, sort of,"

"An old friend or not he's still an incredibly powerful member of the league of villains!"

"Tenya if you can just stop and let me explain-"

"Maya he's dangerous!"

"Shut up!"
I saw fear in his eyes for a moment as he analysed the anger on my face and within my voice.
"I'm sorry. There's just so much you don't know and you're so overprotective; I really need to explain this before you guys start worrying,"

"Okay. I apologise for...that,"
I gave a soft smile as I took his hand and led him over to the others on the sofa.

"Okay. No one talks while I'm explaining this, got it?"


The night after that little fiasco was a lot calmer, but tense as hell. I couldn't get my mind off the fact that Dabi wanted to run away with us.

"You're very stiff Maya,"
Tenya said, pulling me further into his big arms.

"I know, I'm just a little edgy,"
He gently rubbed my shoulders, I rested my head on his big, buff chest.

"You're safe here. I'll be here all night, and Shinso and Kaminari are in the other room. While they may be enjoying each other's company too much, they're still here."
He let me turn around in his arms so I could cuddle up to him. He was like a giant teddy bear with glasses.

"You're too nice to me Tenya. You deserve so much better,"
I attempted a kiss on his cheek, but it ended up on half of his jaw. I was still getting used to his towering height.

"How nice I am depends on how much I like a person. And I think you've gathered that I like you significantly more than other people,"
He knew how to make me smile. He was right when he said I was happier with him. As much as I liked him, Shigaraki was such a toxic person.

I shuffled over into his lap, finally tall enough to reach up to him. I put my arms over his bulky shoulders and trailed a finger along the back of his neck, then ran all my fingers through his hair. He blushed as he watched my face change as I did so.

I had just planted my lips on his when Shinso came flying out of the bedroom.
"Guys we need help! Denki did something stupid, again"
I rolled my eyes and got up off Tenya so we could see the damage Kami had done.

"What the actual fuck?"
I asked as we walked through the door. Kami hanging, fully naked, from the still spinning ceiling fan.
"What were you guys doing for this to happen?"
Shinso was still only shirtless, so Kami being the way he was just, endlessly confused me.

"That's the thing, I don't even know! I left him for 3 minutes to go to the bathroom and when I came out he was up there!"
He didn't take his eyes away from the spinning blonde, concern for both his mentality and physical state coating his face.

"Of all the loud blondes, you picked this one,"
Tenya muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

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