Chapter 8

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"This way,"
He lead me out to the roof of the building. It was around the time of day when the sun was setting. Just before the gorgeous colours could captivate me, Tomura took my hand and helped me climb up on top of the doorway to the stairs. We sat together and gazed out to the ends of the city.

He put an arm around my shoulders and I leant my head on his shoulder.
"Feel better?"
He asked as a cold breeze floated by, making him hold me closer.


I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment.

We tried to stay there for as long as we could, but it was getting colder by the minute. We thought it best to get down and go back inside when our breath became visible.

"Come on open the door,"
I waited for Shigaraki to let us back inside; he was taking his sweet time.

"It won't open,"

"Did you lock it?"

"It doesn't have a lock,"

We both made our attempts to get back inside, nothing seemed to work.

We were cuddling close to reserve what little body heat we had when I heard someone laughing.

We looked past the door and saw a figure.

"Hello Maya,"
He started approaching us,

"Who the hell is Shoto?"
Shigaraki whispered as my cousin came fully into view.

"I'm Shoto. Maya's cousin."

"Why are you here?"
I started to melt the ice appearing around us as Shoto still came nearer.

"I wish to join you. After you violently murdered my father like you did, you inspired me... I wish to help you in your main goal; killing All Might,"

I looked to Shigaraki for a response. It was down to him, after all.

"Well Tomura?"
I asked,

"Your choice. He's your cousin,"


Shinso screamed at me after I'd caught him up.

"What? He should be a hero. He doesn't belong with us,"

"Fuck that! Do you know how petty he is? He'd kill you in your sleep!"

"Oh shut up. You know I can handle whatever's thrown at me."

"Couldn't handle the pressure to become a hero"
He stood staring daggers at me in my seat.

"Don't you dare bring that up!"
I sprang up and shoved him back,

"Why not? Can't handle facing your own decisions either?"
He got up in my face,

"As if you can talk! The only reason you even wanted to be a hero was to prove a fucking point!"
I pushed him back again, he almost fell into a couple bar stools.

"You know better than anyone that that's not true!"

"Oh sure! Whatever you fucking say..."
I had to take a breath, I was getting warmer by the second. If I couldn't calm down I'd set something on fire.

I put my hand on my forehead and pushed my hair back.
"What are we doing Hitoshi?"
He didn't look at me. Not directly.

"I don't know May."
I collapsed back into my seat and watched as Shinso debated with himself whether or not he should join me.

"I'm sorry,"
I muttered as I held my head in my hands.


"You heard me,"

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