Chapter: 8

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Hoseok's car followed trail behind Namjoon's to reach the small restaurant the group of 8 would dine together in. Both groups pulling into a parking spot right beside each other and turned off the cars. Each boy filed out of the small area with hungry eyes.

"Yes! Food!" Taehyung and Jungkook yelled out once they stepped out from the car.

"While everyone is getting out, I'll get our seats." Namjoon stated while locking his car before he walked to the lit up restaurant.

Everyone seemed to understand. Hoseok locked his car which cued everyone to make their way into the same building Namjoon disappeared in. The waiter led them to their table that was occupied by the only male that wasn't in their group. Namjoon had Jin on his left with Yoongi on his right. Jin had Jungkook, Jungkook then had Baron on the end of the seat of their booth. Yoongi was sitting beside Hoseok, Hoseok then had Jimin and then Taehyung.

The boys picked up their menus and gazed through the pages for a meal to eat. Their waiter took out a small pad of paper and a black pen to take their order of drinks. Jin, Yoongi, Jimin, and Taehyung asked for a glass of water for starters while Hoseok asked for Sprite, Jungkook and Namjoon asked for a tea. The waiter nodded, jotting down the last requests. He then bowed to the boys.

"I'll be back with your drinks." he states before leaving the table.

"So Baron, how long have you been in that work line?" Taehyung asked the red haired male with curiosity.

"Oh? Well, I originally tried out for an agency, but I don't that life would be good for me. So I just kind of rolled with what I found was fun to do so I wouldn't just get bored and hate the job for the rest of my life. It's fine scaring people to death. Just like you guys."

"Wha-?! That's not very fun." Hoseok exclaimed.

"My soul was practically torn out of my body when you saw us!" he continued.

"I just ran, to be honest." Jimin shrugged.

"It's surprising that all three of you survived. Especially since Hoseok was with you guys." Jungkook pointed out with an approving look.

"Hey!" the mentioned boy piped with an annoyed.

"Yes, somehow. Just somehow, Taehyung here managed to find me once we split up." Jimin pointed out while their waiter came back with their drinks.

Their waiter placed the order beverages in front of the owner of the specified drink.

"You guys ready to order?" the waiter asked.

Everyone seemed to nod.


"Please explain how you found, Jiminie. He seems really surprised about it." Jungkook said through full cheeks of beef from his plate of food.

Taehyung stopped chewing his noodles, staring with big eyes in confusion. He then realized the younger wanted an answer. He dropped his confused look, put up a finger for them to wait as he swallowed his noodles.

"I just ran with Hoseok and I just happen to notice the door. That's all."

Everyone was quite. Chewing their food as they tried to be convinced with the mint haired male's story. Soon, the awkward table was filled with a light chuckle. The seven boys looked over at Baron who was holding a hand up.

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