Chapter: 28

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Mr. Kim finally stopped the vehicle in an almost empty parking lot. The parking lot held Mr.Kim's car and one other parked car. He took the keys out and got himself out of the car so Jimin quickly followed his last action. They walked into the front entrance of the very family horror attraction. When they got closer, Hoseok came into view.

"Hey! Do you remember this place, Jimin?" Hoseok happily asked.

"Yeah, this is were we did that Chucky house thing." Jimin replied.

"Yup! Well, now you have to go back to that place to meet Baron. He has the note you need. Good luck, Jimin!" the older said quickly as he left the entrance to the parking lot.

"I'll wait for you here, Jimin. Go on in." Mr. Kim spoke up as he sat down on the bench at the side near the entrance.

Jimin nodded and walked inside the attraction. He let his eyes study the area; most booths where put away, half way dismantled, or still standing just without all the cheap prizes. The horror house game appeared with a familiar red haired man sitting at the door. He jogged the rest of the way with excitement.

"Hey, Jimin!" Baron greeted with a smile.

"Hello, Baron. I heard you have the paper, yeah?" Jimin replied.

"Yeah, here." the red haired male said as he handed the raven male the said paper.

Jimin grabbed it and unfolded it. Baron quickly bid his good bye to him and ran off to the direction of the entrance. Jimin decided it would be time saving to read the paper as he walked back to Taehyung's father.

"Jimin-ah! Look! Remember this place? Of course you do. This was one of the scariest game aside from that hay maze. I'm shivering at the thought of it again. Any-hoo, this letter will be shorter than the others, okay? The other two places, Jin's café and your house, had special and good memories, so you're probably wondering why this place. Well. .do you remember when C̶h̶u̶c̶k̶y̶  I mean Baron found us in the room Hoseok, you, and I hid in? Then you managed to escape so Baron had only hyung and I. We escaped and ran to find a new hiding spot. Later on, you asked how I managed to find the spot you were hiding in. That,"

Jimin felt himself trip on a bench leg. Before he could even feel the ground, arms were wrapped around him.

"Whoa there. Be careful, Jimin. My son would be rather upset with me if you were hurt by my side." Mr. Kim said with a chuckle.

"I can answer that when you see me again! Please, listen to my explanation to this. You'll be surprised."

"Lots of love,
             Your soulmate"

That last sentence sparked something in Jimin. He felt something in his stomach twist from the mystery behind the written words. He quickly thanked Mr. Kim before they headed back to his car. Jimin put the folded paper into his pocket with the rest of the folded papers he was given. Once they sat into the car correctly, Mr. Kim started the car for the next destination.

Once again, the road they headed down was so familiar that he looked confused as to why he was back at school. Mr.Kim parked the vehicle in the visitor parking lot. Jimin got out of the car and headed towards the door. When he reached out to grab the handle, he practically slapped himself. He didn't even know where he was going.

"Go to the dance room, Jimin!" Mr.Kim yelled out from the open window of the car.

"Thank you, Mr.Kim!" Jimin answered back with a shy bow.

He rushed in, jogging, up the stairs to the dance practice room. Upon reaching the practice door, Jungkook greeted him with a big hug.

"I heard you won, hyung! Congratulations, I knew you could do it." he stated with his big smile.

Jimin hugged the younger male happily, whispering a little "thank you". They both pulled away from the hug. The younger male handed him the paper. Jimin took it and left the room with Jungkook. At first, Jimin believed that Jungkook was gonna walk down to Mr.Kim's car with him, but he ran ahead after saying, "I'll see you soon, hyung."

The raven haired male was surprised how fast the younger left. He wouldn't be able to win him in a race if he dared. He unfolded the paper and read it as he walked back to his driver.

"I consider this room really special for me. This is the room where you pushed away your anxiety and shyness for me to witness your incredible dancing skills. Even singing!! Oh my gosh, I'm surprised you're not an idol, hyung!"

He scoffed while a smile spread across his face. He was a child in between the age of 4 to 9 when he wished to be an idol. He began to dance at 4 to 6 and practiced singing at 5 to 9. Although, after a while, some kids in his dance and singing classes bullied him about being off with timing and being to stiff.  This caused his dreams to crash down.

He thought he would disappoint any future fans. He didn't have that much of a audience to witness his failure. But, Taehyung caused his fears to disappear quickly. He made him believe in himself, that he was worth it in the dance and singing subject.

"You inspired me to try harder in my own singing skills. Don't worry about everyone's opinions about you. You did so well that I can't find words to describe how amazing you did. Appa, Jeongyeon, Baron, Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jungkook were surprised on how great you did. This room. .it's where I noticed the gift you decided to hide from the world. Be yourself! We love you! Thank you so much for showing me your gifts. I'm your number 1 fan, Jiminie hyung! <3 Don't forget that!"

"Lots of love,
             Your soulmate"

"Oh dear! Jimin, my son! Are you alright? Why are you crying?"

Jimin didn't even notice that he was standing near the car and that Mr.Kim cupped his cheeks to make him face up the man's worried face. He didn't even realize that he was crying until the father wiped away his tears with his thumbs. The younger male sniffles and lets out a small chuckle.

"I'm okay, Mr.Ki-"

"Oh, Jimin. Don't call me 'Mr.Kim', please call me appa." Mr.Kim stated, "Now, continue what you were saying."

Jimin's heart swelled up from happiness and gratitude. He really loved Taehyung's father. A kind man.

"It's okay, appa. Your son is just an emotional tease. He makes my heart happy. It's happy tears from your son's words." Jimin simply explained with a shy smile.

"Ah, that's my son for ya'. Doing things that seem cheesy, but makes them into actions on making certain people soft." he replied with a proud smile.

"Now, come on, my son. Lets get to the next destination." he finished off while getting into the car.

Jimin followed into the passenger seat with a nod. Taehyung's words weren't being said with a voice, but Jimin can feel the genuine truth and feelings in the written words.

But deep in his heart, he wanted to hear Taehyung read the letters to him.


Jeonkake: Look! The chapter! I'm so happy I could finally put this up. I'll do my best to put the next update out soon. And once I get a little bit more questions for the characters, I'll put out their answers in a QnA chapter.

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