Chapter: 17

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"Your father is home!? Wha-? Taehyung, why didn't you tell me!?"

"Yah! Chill, Jeongyeon. Stop hitting me!" the mint haired male pleaded as his idol friend playfully slapped Taehyung's arm with a pout.

"Anyways, I didn't tell you because I know putting you both together is a bad idea. Even since you both know I like Jimin hyung, you guys would have pushed it." Taehyung answered with a 'I know you' look.

"What?" Jeongyeon asked with a tilt of her head.

"Last night, Friday. My dad came home and picked me up from school. He met Jimin and invited him over for dinner to get to know him." Taehyung air quoted around the words 'get' to 'him' before he continued.

"So Jimin came over and talked with my dad and oh my god. My dad tired to tell Jimin how I felt about him! He even took me to the kitchen and started to fanboy over us. So IF you came over when he was like that, I bet my life savings that you both would work together on making one of those fan fictions people make these days." the mint haired male stated matter a fact-ly.

Jeongyeon gaped open her mouth in an 'o' shape and slapped her hand to her heart as she sarcastically took that as an offense.

"I would do no such thing! What makes you think I would do that?" the blue haired woman asked as to prove her wrong.

"In elementary school, you shipped the girl Do-hui and that dude Seungmin just because they talked together." Taehyung stated.

"Hey! They talked like they were a couple." Jeongyeon defended.

"Aish, okay, doesn't matter. I still proved my point."

The park invited a small breeze flow through the duo's hair, just smiling from their playful conversation. Jeongyeon then looked up at the blue sky with a smile.

"So, how's your little soulmate?" she asked while empathising soulmate.

Taehyung felt the heat rush into his cheeks. A dusty crimson red appeared with no mercy as he understood who she was talking back. Taehyung never told her about them being soulmates, but he did tell her he liked him. Thus, earning her to tease the older male.

"He's doing great. I learned a lot about him. Apparently on December thirty-th, Jimin wants to participate in our university's competition." he explained.

"Isn't that the day of your birthday? I kinda was expecting you to do something that day with him."

Taehyung stared over at his friend. His eyes showed that he had something to say and she saw that. She felt a smile shift on her face as she wiggled her eyebrows at him.

"Taehyung, what did you plan?" she asked.

The mint haired male shifted his now embarrassed face to the grass. He could hear the small little giggles escaping his female friend's mouth. He sighed, but didn't bother to face Jeongyeon.

"I was planning on confessing my feelings that day after his performance."

It was quiet. No little giggles, no gasp, no speech, just silence. Taehyung looked over at Jeongyeon who was struggling to keep her mouth shut. Her face red from the lack of air she was allowing in.

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