Chapter: 20

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Taehyung was currently paying their amount for a booth for karaoke. Jimin was practically bouncing on his toes in excitement as he waited for Taehyung to finish. The excited blond took ahold of Taehyung's hand and ran to their designated room when the mint boy thanked the lady at the front desk. The older male got them inside, closed the door, and sat down on the small couches that occupied the room. Taehyung couldn't help, but laugh at his hyung's excitement; it was just so admirable.

"Okay, so I can pay for some snacks if you're hungry. Even some water or other drinks. Do you want something, hyung?" Taehyung offered while scanning the small menu that sat on the mini coffee table.

"Water and kimich is all I want. I want to take you out for dinner after this." Jimin said with a big smile, causing his eyes to disappear.

Taehyung gave a glimmering nod to his hyung. He used the tablet, which holds their list of food and drinks, that hung on the wall and placed in their order. When he finished with that, he moved his attention to the blond, who was occupied on finding a song. The mint haired sat beside his hyung; however, his heart was beating erratically from the nervousness he had. Just two more days until his birthday, two more days until Jimin's competition. .

Two more days until he confesses.

He mentally hit his nervous thoughts away and put his attention on the now. He wanted to spend as much time with Jimin before the marked date. Sure, he shouldn't be worried because they are soulmates. It's just a human emotion to feel flushed with so many of those emotions suffocating you because of a certain someone.

"Hey, Tae!"


"I asked what you think I should sing. I'm having a hard time choosing. Are you alright?" Jimin asked to the now embarrassed mint boy.

"Oh, yeah! I-I'm okay. I was just thinking of what song I should do, too. Anyway, maybe a song that-"

Taehyung drawn out the word 'that' as he started to think. He then smiled, handed the mic to the blond and turned on the little colorful lights to have them swirl around on its surrounding.

"A song that has a deep meaning into it." he said a bit slowly.

Taehyung got up from his original spot and walked to the other side of the small room. He turned to face forwards of Jimin with a teasing-look of a smile.

"Maybe something about lies."

Jimin stared at the younger male dumbfounded. He then scoffed with his smile reappearing on his face, his soft cheeks turning to a beautiful shade of pink. He shook his head from what he had just heard and realized.

"Taehyung, you smooth motherf-" he signed before he could finish his statement for the, now giggling, mint haired male to hear.

"You love me and you know it." Taehyung teasingly said between his uncontrollable giggles.

"Aish- whatever! Just shush so I can sing." Jimin said, forcing harshness into his tone, but seemed to fail for releasing his own fits of laughter.

"Ahem, food?"

The two boys stopped their party of giggles and laughter, and faced the man at the door who held their kimich and drinks on a tray. Jimin placed the mic down on the small coffee table while shaking his head with smile for having their waiter to come and witness them as a couple of crackheads. He helped placed down their items down on the table while Taehyung started to do the payment for their stuff he ordered. The two soulmates bowed after their waiter bowed and wished them a good meal before he left them alone.

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