Chapter: 15

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The boys continued to work throughout the week. Taehyung was asked to help Jimin with his dance for the competition, Taehyung had to finish a photography project for his class, and before they both knew it, Friday hit. The school day ended, but while the two were packing their items to head home, a woman's voice was heard through the intercom.

"Good afternoon students! Before you leave, I just want to leave a reminder. Any music art students who want to join the contest in December, please proceed to the Auditorium for sign ups. Thank you!" the voice then disappeared.

The two glanced at each other and knew they both needed to head there now. They packed the last of their stuff, threw their bags on their shoulders, and walked down the halls towards the auditorium. Taehyung held open the polished wood door for the blond, and as soon as he was about to walk in more people followed suite. They all bowed slightly to Taehyung, saying 'thank you', and some just walked in. The mint haired male just stood their with a smile on his face; occasionally, saying 'your welcome', and bowing his head to the other students.

After the herd huddled into the large room, Taehyung sighed and walked in finally. Jimin stood a couple of feet away while looking like he was trying to hold back laughters.

"Why do people think I'm holding the door for them when I'm only doing it for myself of other specific people?" Taehyung whined at the now giggling blond.

"Phtt, just leave it, Tae. Lets just get me signed up so we can get home." Jimin recommended after his small laughter died down.

The soulmates walked to the lines that were forming.

"Please line up behind the teachers of your choice in performance! The left is Dance, the middle is for singing, and the right if for instrument players! Line up and sign in, thank you!" Mr. Kim instructed from the stage.

Three teachers sat at a table that stood at the base of the stage. People shuffled in between each other in a hurry in their chosen lines. Jimin grabbed Taehyung's hand and led him to the left line. Time passed around the awaiting students that wanted to sign up. An hour has gone by when Jimin was finally talked to.

Taehyung just stood by his side as he watched the two talk.

"Ah, hello! Name please?" A man asked that hovered his black pen over a form.

"Jimin. Park Jimin." the blond responded.

"Okay, mister Park, what year are you in and what class of music arts are you in?"

"I'm in the third year, class 140 in dance, sir." Jimin replied.

When the man received Jimin's answers, he wrote down the name, class, and year. He turned the paper around for it to face the young, blond student, and handed him the pen.

"Please sign your name on the line on the bottom of the page. This is to make sure we know for sure that you decided to join." the older man stated.

Jimin nodded, took the pen, and glided the ink across the paper.

"Thank you! Can't wait to see what you present Jimin. Good luck."

"Ah, thank you! I'll do my best!" Jimin exclaimed with his famous smile, shaking the other's hand.

They both exchanged small head bows. Jimin turned around to face Taehyung with excitement in his eyes, bouncing on his toes as they both moved away from the shortening line. Taehyung couldn't help but be infected by Jimin's happiness. The duo walked out of the now empty halls to the exit.

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