2. new love

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"Taaaroon!" I turned around. The next thing I knew was how Lucy threw her arms around me. I stumbled and struggled keeping my balance. "We haven't seen each other in soo long!!" I grabbed her waist and pushed her away, right into the arms of her boyfriend Rami who joined us. "I know Lucy. I'm happy to see you too." She giggled and wrapped her arms around Rami. He threw a desperate glance at me and scream-whispered: "Help me!" I laughed and Lucy hit his arm playfully. He smiled impish and then pecked her cheek. I put my hands in my pockets and grinned. "So how were your summer holidays guys?" Lucy didn't even let Rami say something, she just started talking and didn't stop again. We both listened to her, although Rami already knew most of the stories, since he was there. When Lucy had finished, I told a bit about my holidays, but they weren't as spectacular as Lucy's. I just visited my grandparents and went hiking with my mum. Since my father had left us, we couldn't afford to go on vacation anymore. I sighed. I missed him, but he had moved to Europe and I don't think he wanted to see me. Before Lucy and Rami noticed my mood swing, I changed the subject. "So uhm, where are Joe and Ben?" Rami smirked. "Oh I don't know, but the seemed veeryyyy happy to see each other again." I gasped. "What?! Are you saying? Noo! Really??" Lucy laughed. "Oh Taron, how did you not notice? They two have been in love for at least a year. Although they just started going out a couple days ago." I couldn't bring myself to close my mouth again. Why haven't I noticed it? Anyway, I was really happy for them both. I didn't have anything against gay people, although I couldn't imagine being gay myself.

Then the school bell rang and we made our way to the classroom. On the way we met Joe and Ben, who seemed, now that I knew they were dating, incredible happy. We were a bit late and our teacher was already there. While we sat down, he introduced a new student. With little interest I examined the new one and then talked with Joe and Ben about our holidays and their relationship. The lesson was mainly about some organisational crap and the school trip to France in spring. I was really looking forward to it, although my french wasn't that good. I just relied on Rami to translate everything, since he was the best in class. After class Lucy, Rami, Joe, Ben and I wanted to get something to eat, but someone held me back. It was the new student. I sighed and told them to go ahead. Then I turned to the new one. "Hey, I'm Vicky. I'm new and I wondered if you could show me around.." I took a closer look at her and decided, that she seemed quite nice. I nodded and introduced myself. Then we went through the school and I showed her about everything there was to show. After that we returned to the classroom, where I sat down besides Joe. He winked at me and then nodded to Vicky. "I see, you're making friends." I laughed and blushed a bit. His eyes widened a bit. "Do you like her?" I furrowed my brows and shook my head. "What are you talking about? I don't even know her." Joe was smiling and bumped his ellbow into my side. "Well then get to know her." I sighed. "Yes okay, I will...I will try. You happy?" Joe nodded. "I am."

In the next few weeks Vicky and I got to know each other better and after almost a month we were dating. Fortunately she got along with my friends and they seemed to really like her too. My mother was very happy too, that I finally brought a girl home. Not that she was my first girlfriend, but mostly I hid them from my mother. Vicky was great. She was smart and helped me in french. Rami was a bit pissed at me, that I didn't need him anymore, but I think he forgave me. But despite how great Vicky was and how many people said we were perfect for each other, something was wrong. I didn't know what it was, but when I saw Joe and Ben together, I just had the feeling that something was missing. But after a while I learned to ignore the feeling and enjoyed the time with Vicky.

Two months with Vicky had passed and everything was fine, I had forgotten the strange feeling about our relationship. One day we were sitting in the classroom and a teacher entered, that I had never seen before. He had curly dark brown hair, a dark brown beard and blue clear eyes. "Frank Sinatra Eyes.." "What?" Joe looked at me. I blushed. Did I say that out loud? "Oh, nothing." What the f*ck was wrong with me?? Then the teacher started talking with a thick scottish accent. "Hello, I'm Mr. Madden. I'm gonna be the substitute for you english teacher this year." Everyone seemed a bit startled, but no one complained, since nobody really liked our former english teacher. After the lesson everyone left the classroom and I went home with Vicky at my side.

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