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"What is he doing here?" I pressed through my teeth. My mum stepped closer to me and layed her hand on my arm to calm me. "I ran into him while I was shopping. He.." I stepped back to bring some space between us and interrupted her. "No, I mean what is he doing HERE? In London. In England." My father stepped closer and opened his mouth to say something, but I hushed him with a deadly look. Then I turned my gaze back to my mum and said in a raspy voice: "So? I'm waiting." I saw tears shining in her eyes and had to pull myself together not to feel sorry for her. She began to explain that he was here on vacation and how they ran into each other and then got into talking and so on. When she was finished I looked at my father who had a stern look on his face. "Would you mind leaving us alone for a second?" He hesitated at firt, but then marched to the kitchen and shut the door.

As soon as he was gone, I turned to my mum and grabbed her arms. As calm as I could I said: "Are you serious?" She looked at me as though I was speaking a foreign language. My plan to stay calm failed when I saw this look. "Don't play stupid, mum!" She tore herself away from my tight grip and stared at me, now seemed quite offended. "Don't you talk to me like that! Everyone deserves a second chance and besides that, he's still your father." I clenched my teeth together and balled my hands to fists. "Not everyone deserves a second chance. He's just gonna hurt you again!" My mum shook her head. "One day you'll understand." "No mum, I won't ever understand why you love this man." Then I turned around and stormed out of the house. Before I stepped out of the door I looked at her and said with a cold voice: "And mum, don't expect me to come home as long as he's here."

Because of my precipitous leaving I only had my school bag and a second sweater with me. As I was stepping through the garden gate, I heard JB whimpering from behind me. Without taking much time to think anout it, I picked him up and then left as quickly as I could. Fortunately I always had a second leash for him in my bag.

I really enjoyed the cold fresh air, it helped to clear my head. I took a deep breath and tried to get my father off my mind. i still hadn't forgiven him for leaving me and my mum. It broke her. She really loved him and I knew that she still did. That was the reason why I was so worried about her. I didn't know if she could stand it if he left her again. A single tear ran down my cheek. I wasn't strong enough to take care of both of us. My only hope was that she'd realize that she made a mistake and then get rid of him.

JB and I spent almost two hours in the park. He listened to me and after I had told him about all my concerns, I already felt better. After a while I got tired and headed back home. Well, actually to Richard, hoping he'd let me stay with him. At the thought of being with him, I already cheered up a bit.

When I arrived at his home I rang the door bell and then waited patiently. I heard foot steps from inside and then saw the door opening. Without giving him the cance to say hello, I jus prattled away: "Hey Rich, I'm sorry. I kow that it's late, but..." As I recognized the person infront of me, my voice failed. There, on Richard's doorstep stood Vicky. She was wearing a tight dress and had way too much make up on her face. In the background I saw Richard. He was just wearing sweat pants and his hair was tousled. I felt like I had to throw up. This couldn't be real. As Richard saw me, his eyes widened. "Oh god, Taron!" My body was trembling. A tear rolled down my cheek. I was sure that in this moment I heard my heart breaking. Richard pushed Vicky aside who seemed to enjoy all this. He ran to me, but I stepped away and said in a raspy voice: "Stay away from me." His eyes were pleading and his tears fell on the ground. "Please Taron! It's not how it looks like, I promise!" Without saying a word I turned around and then ran away as fast as I could, with JB still in my arms. I didn't stop until I didn't know where I was anymore. Since I didn't know what else to do, I dialed Ben's number.

"Taron?? Do you know what time it is?" "Yeah, I know Ben, I'm sorry. It's just..." Ben interrupted me." Look Taron, I'm really sorry, but it's not a good time right now." Before I could say something I heard Joe's voice in the background. "Are you seriously talking with Taron?!" "Babe look.." then he ung up.

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