Chapter 23

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As Logan walked out of their classroom, they pulled their phone from their pocket, checking the messages they had gotten. They had one from Roman, two from their brother, Damien, and two from Patton.

They checked the ones from Damien first, wanting to get that out of the way. The first one was a picture of a literal stick in a mud-puddle captioned "you". The second, though, was a text telling them to call when they had a minute.

With a sigh, they stepped outside of the building and made their way to their car. Once inside, they pressed the call button and waited for Damien to pick up. Which he did on the fourth ring.


"You wanted me to call, Dee?"

"Yeah, I..." He laughed shortly, almost as if he was laughing at himself. "I need your advice. As much as I hate to admit it, you do know something about this whole soulmate business, and I'm lost."

"What do you mean?"

"I have been speaking with my soulmate for who knows how long, and I don't know how to further things along."

"Further things along as in... get a date with them? Meet them in person? Find out their name? I'm going to need some more information, Damien." They sighed heavily, leaning back in their seat.

"Anything. They don't really tell me much about their personal life. All I know is that they're impulsive, they like drawing dicks and moustaches, and their favorite animal is an octopus."

"Have you tried asking them specific questions?"

There was silence on the other line, and Logan resisted the urge to laugh. "... Yes..." Damien lied very obviously.

"Try asking them stuff, Dee. You won't get to know anything about them if you don't. Start with asking their name, maybe, and go from there. Ask where they're from, that kind of stuff."

"Right, right." There was another pause in which they assumed he was writing on his arm. "How are things going with your soulmates, by the way? Didn't you have two?"

"Three, actually. Our fourth, Virgil, made himself known about two months ago. Do you really care about my soulmates?"

"No," he replied sarcastically, and Logan could almost hear the eyeroll in his voice. "I asked just so I could hear myself talk."

"Well, Roman and Patton and I are dating and living together... and Virgil is... starting to open up to us. He's incredibly stubborn, though. Reminds me of you in that respect."

"When have I ever been stubborn?"

"When you forced mom, momma, and I to act out a courtroom scene with you to find out whether or not your snake was a good or bad person."

"Hey, Foley bit me. I needed to find out if he was guilty or not."

"Dee, he's not a person. He's a snake."

"Bold of you to invalidate Foley's humanity, but fine. I needed to see whether or not he was a good snake."

"You forced us to set up a courtroom."

"I was young!"

"This was a week before I left."

"... fair enough. They wrote back, by the way. Their name is Remus."

Logan paused, blinking in shock as they recalled Roman mentioning once or twice that he had a brother by the same name. Sure, it wasn't so common a name that it was likely it was someone else, but it was possible.

"What's his last name?"

"Hang on." He paused again. "Montague, looks like. He has the worst handwriting on the planet, though, so for all I know, this could say Money."

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