one | polished

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There was something fascinating about starting a new life without it having to be a secret. Especially when that new life included showing the world your perky breasts and fucking some sex symbol on camera without worrying that the boss would find out. Especially because "the boss" encouraged it and paid you for it.

Winter chuckled at her own thoughts as she rolled her suitcase down the narrow hall to the only door at the end. Engraved in the white slate glass was "PH" for "penthouse" which caused Winter to hesitate before inserting her key.

What if this was all a mistake? A prank? Maybe even the wrong place? Just last week she'd been scribbling orders in a notepad and balancing hot plates in her hand to serve to wealthy restaurant goers. Now, she was about to enter the most prestigious home of the porn industry.

Winter exhaled then unlocked the door, entering with a timidness that contradicted her entire personality.

"Hello?" She announced as she moved further inside.

No response.

"Hi, I'm the-new girl." She said, rolling further inside to find not a soul in sight.

A part of her had expected someone to be preparing lunch in the kitchen while the penthouse was littered with sexy men and women. Another part of her expected a bunch of people to jump out and congratulate her for making it here in the first place.

But she wasn't necessarily disappointed because what she was exposed to was the luxurious and prestigious home that she had dreamed of. The all white furniture, polished floors, and natural light created a level of warmth despite the cold late autumn breeze outside.

"Hello!" Winter announced once more, stopping right in the living room.

She glanced at the coffee table and noticed a box wrapped in red wrapping paper with a card proped right on top. Her name was written in delicate script.

Winter's heels echoed on the wooden floor as she walked to the table to pluck the card from its spot. It read:

Welcome to the Doll House! Your room is upstairs, the last door to the right. Take your time settling in and we'll all meet tomorrow morning at nine o'clock. The girls will gladly help you with anything you need so don't hesitate to ask.
P.S. You mentioned that you like heels so enjoy the gift.

Winter smiled in awe of her new reality. She knew Doll House. She'd studied Doll House. She'd fucked with Doll House playing in the background! The legendary introduction gift was a huge deal and she couldn't wait to touch her first designer piece as an-

"Stop!" Winter's head shot up at the exclamation. Who was that? She furrowed her eyebrows and placed the card down.

No one was in the house so who could've said that? Was someone in trouble? Winter wasn't certified in anything but she felt curious enough to at least seek out the source of the noise.

So she hurried across the room with a bit of urgency, listening closely for any further faint sounds.

"No! No!" She heard from a closer proximity.

Without a second thought, she pushed open a set of French doors to peer into the nearest room but instantly regretted it.

"What the hell?" Ivy yelled, turning away from the camera as her bondaged body straddled a blonde haired guy who was mid-insert of a bejeweled anal plug into her.

"Oh shit." Was all Winter could say as she stood dumbfounded at the doorway.

"This is live!"

"You-you said 'help'!"

"It's fucking bondage!"

"Ivy, I'm gonna-I'm gonna cum." The guy grunted, wrapping his arms around her and in that moment, Winter shut the doors with a squeal. She backed away and held her chest, letting out a sigh.

Great way to acquaint yourself with the girls, Winter thought to herself. She was off to a horrible start in front of thousands of people. And a horrible start meant a horrible career.

Doll House: Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now