four | vanity

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Ivy had always declined an invitation or suggestion to visit the Rebel House. Be it a party, job, or soirée, she refused without hesitation.

It wasn't about the physical structure of the mansion or the Rebel boys themselves. Her reason was more abstract. The secrets, the bonds, the arguments, they were all fresh in Ivy's mind eventhough they'd only happened within a five month span. Five months before her start at Doll House with Cecelia.

But now, for the first time in years, she was here and forced to relive it all and it didn't matter how much she protested. Hodges knew a lot about her history, but he didn't know it all and she intended to keep things that way.

"Are you coming in?" He asked. Ivy turned to him with a deadpan expression that said everything that her boss needed to know.

Hodges laughed and opened the door of his black Audi.

"Okay, I'll see if we can send him out here." Ivy watched as Hodges disappeared into the house.

He'd become an expert in handling her personality after three and a half years. Especially since at the beginning it had only been her and Cecelia in the early stages of Doll House. Hodges got to know the two of them well, moreso Cecelia because they'd gotten romantically involved shortly after.

But more importantly, Ivy and Cecelia had gotten to know each other well, particularly the very day that they'd moved into the penthouse and Ivy was recounting an experience she had with the porn star that would change her life. Ivy had just onboarded as a doll after her short career posting amateur videos on various websites.
• • • • • •
"...he told me the badass persona was endearing." Ivy chuckled, kicking her feet up on an unpacked box.

"Guys will say anything to fuck you. Don't you know that?"

"We already fucked, our fan fuck video has the second highest viewership." She hadn't intended to get called for a fan fuck but when it happened, she jumped right in to heighten her profile. "We haven't done anything off camera but I really like him. I guess that's what makes his comment so special."

"You sound so mushy, I can't stand it." Cecelia pretended to gag but kept her eyes on what was happening in the distance.

"I spend like half my time at Rebel anyway. Feelings are bound to form." Ivy shrugged then watched as Cecelia hurried over to a mover who was incorrectly handling her vanity mirror.
• • • • • •
Ivy's lips curled into a smile at the memory that seemed so innocent but meant so much more now. Cecelia had barely paid attention but it hadn't bothered Ivy at the time.

She looked out the tinted window of the car and within a second, a face appeared before her which caused her to scream and lean away from the door.

Ivy's scream was a knee jerk reaction but just as quickly as she'd freaked out, she paused as she recognized the familiar gorgeous face that smiled back at her. He knocked twice on the glass with his knuckles.

"What-what're you doing here?!" She asked.

He squinted then pointed to his ear in an exaggerated attempt to make her speak louder.

Ivy cursed under her breath, remembering that Hodges had invested in a sound proof car with tinted windows. So she opened the car door and got out to look up at the face of her former friend. A man she hadn't seen in years.

"Hey babe, it's been a while?" His voice. She remembered how calm it had been because it juxtaposed his sharp, defined, and almost rugged features.

"Zane, what're you doing here?"

"I saw your boss inside, he said you were out here being stubborn."

"No, no what're you doing in New York? It's been like-"

"Three years." He filled in without hesitation.

"Three years." Ivy repeated, looking up at him again in admiration.

He'd grown his hair longer and put on more muscle over the years. She didn't understand what she was seeing though because so much had changed.

"You haven't spoken to me in three years?"

They were both quiet for a moment which was necessarily awkward. She wanted him to sit with that truth but in true Zane fashion, he wanted to avoid it. So he clapped his hands together.

"C'mon Ivy, it's cold out here." He started toward the house and after some thought, Ivy chose to follow. It was the only way that she would get answers and eventhough she wanted to turn her back on him, she knew that he always led her in the right direction.

"Do you want coffee? Tea? A shot of tequila?" Zane joked when they entered the foyer.

Ivy narrowed her eyes as his smirk conjured up a flux of memories that upset her.

"Stop the bullshit." She crossed her arms. "I'm asking one more time. Why-are-you-here?"

"Indefinite vacation." He responded. She pushed him but he laughed. "Rough as usual." Zane caught her arm in his soft hand. "Dax left and Victor needed someone to fill his place, temporarily."

"What makes you so special?" She took her arm away as Zane cocked an eyebrow.

"You know what makes me special Ivy." Their eyes locked and Ivy wanted to laugh at his humor but she couldn't. They both knew that Ivy wouldn't know how "special" he was sexually. It was a joke given the circumstances of their former friendship but Ivy couldn't give him the satisfaction of a giggle. Not when she still had a bone to pick with him.

"Oh great, you got her out of the car." Hodges descended the stairs with an amused expression.

"It wasn't hard. She was happy to see me."

"So you know each other?"

"Yeah, we uh-definitely know each other." Ivy said, louder than intended.

"Good, so we don't have to do the whole formal meet and greet before your scene next Friday." Hodges put his hands on his hips and gave a firm nod.


"You and Zane are doing a scene together. Victor recommended him for you." Ivy turned to Zane who wrapped his arm around her.

"Get excited." He whispered into her hair.

"Boss, Zane and I need to talk more before the scene." Ivy protested. "A lot more."

Hodges looked between the two of them in confusion but nodded regardless.

"That's fine. Meet tomorrow in the city and use my tab." He gave a tight smile then walked away from the two of them to exit the house.

"I can't believe I'm next to you right now." Zane said once they were alone again, causing Ivy to sigh and remove his arm from around her.

"I can't either." She could feel her emotions stirring. "We're having brunch tomorrow and you're telling me everything."

"You too." Zane shrugged, crossing his arms. "Dax is gone so I wanna make sure you're doing okay."

Ivy didn't respond. Instead, she headed right out of the house back to the front where the Audi was. She couldn't bear the feelings anymore. The entire visit had been a huge mistake and it would only get worse.

Doll House: Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now